Monday, December 9, 2013

Mizzou belongs in the Top 25
The game was 
termed an upset by ESPN and I guess it may have been. UCLA was ranked number 25 in the nation; Mizzou unranked going into the game managed the win at home 80-71. Mizzou has received votes over the past few weeks but not enough to vault them into the Top 25; the win over UCLA should do it. By the way did I inform you I no longer take Coaches polls in any sports seriously? No way in the world do head coaches have enough time on a week to week basis to evaluate teams? With two or three games a week to prepare for how do they find the time? Somebody stated its assistant coaches who are often assigned the task.

He's busy

Saturday afternoon Kevin Harlan provided play by play for the telecast of the Mizzou-UCLA basketball game.  He boarded a flight in Columbia (MO) immediatley after the game and flew to Washington D.C.  A little under 24-hours later he was the voice behind the microphone for the Chiefs-Redskins football game.  Harlan must lead all broadcasters of all sports in airline miles traveled. 

I’m not hatin’
This is only my view, I’m not hatin’ on Howard. Despite all the positives emanating from Houston last summer the Rockets now realize what we all knew all along. It was apparent to all (except Rockets management) Dwight Howard couldn’t mesh with Pau Gasol last season. With that said how could they possibly believe he and Omer Asik would work together? Both are centers, one must sacrifice portions of his game to fit. The Rockets are attempting to trade Asik.

Can he help?
Somebody, anybody please convince me Carmelo Anthony will save the Lakers! There is no doubt Anthony is one of the most talented athletes in the NBA today. My statement to date can he make the Lakers a better team? The evidence in front of me fails to provide any proof however I remain open to contrary beliefs. The problem issue Carmelo Anthony has always appeared to play for Carmelo Anthony, and conversation has always circulated he’s a “coach killer.”

Speaking of the Big Apple
It’s still early however the battle is yet to occur, the Knicks and Nets were to do battle on the court for the fans affection. So far the only battle has been to determine who avoids residing in last place. As we await the results of tonight’s Knicks-Nets match I can report neither team is there. Both teams owe a thanks of gratitude to the awful play of the Milwaukee Bucks.

Mid-Major, what’s that?
I read the headline again and questioned it once again, what’s the definition of a mid-major? We realize Kentucky spends more for its basketball program than Bradley however both are D-1 programs. Is it the amount of NBA talent produced that separates the schools? Hall of Fame player Scottie Pippen attended Central Arkansas, last years Rookie of the Year Damian Lillard from Weber State.

We could include Paul George, Fresno State and Gordon Hayward from Butler or Kenneth Faried of Morehead State. Marquette’s Dwayne Wade or Jimmy Butler could also be included in the count. No one will ever mistake Derek Fisher for an All-Pro but his bulldog determination led him from Arkansas-Little Rock to a long NBA career. Next time you hear the term “mid-major” consider the school can play basketball with anyone. Want further proof how about the run of Wichita State in last years NCAA tourney.

Bits n Pieces

I’m reminded again of a statement I made, in the internet/twitter/social network age it’s my belief no athlete is “undiscovered.” I just read a prospect website containing a list of middle school players. Will all these middle school athletes succeed at the NBA level? At this point it’s undetermined if they can even play in high school and certainly collegiate play is out of the question for now at least.   

Many of these future prospects have been identified already as 7th or 8th grade students. I discovered Ronnie Suggs Mizzou 2015 commit will actually graduate high school in 2014. The 6-6 175 pound shooting guard says; “I’m headed to prep school to bulk up my body.” He might be a little thin for his height but there is probably more to the tale. The backcourt will be crowded next season and by the time he arrives in 2015 it should be less crowded.

Store the name Georgios Papagiannis or simply George in your memory banks.
16-year old 7-1 250 pound center from Maroussi, Athens, Greece just entered his junior year at Westtown School. Westtown is a private prep school located in West Chester (PA). Don’t worry if you are unfamiliar with George few folks except those in Australia were familiar with Dante Exum before this past spring and summer.