Friday, February 21, 2014

Dinosaurs have disappeared as well
The giant creatures in prehistoric times no longer roam the earth. Also extinct are basketball players who honed their craft playing D-I, D-II and NAIA basketball. At one time almost every NBA team had at least one athlete on their roster. There is no one factor that’s caused these schools to cease producing athletes rather it’s been a series of factors. It was pointed out Louisville won an NAIA Championship in 1948, today we know the school is a D-I program. NAIA basketball during the 1950’s and 1960’s produced a number of outstanding NBA players from Tennessee State, Kentucky State, Grambling and others.

Here in Kansas City our university UMKC began life playing at the NAIA level before an upgrade to D-1.  Financial reward certainly is the chief reason many of these schools chose to upgrade their programs. Even smaller D-I schools show up on ESPN in this day and age. The growth of the game internationally has been phenomenal, at the same time it’s been a factor in the decreasing number of players arriving from these schools. We can’t really blame a kid he’s going to migrate to the program of “glitz and glamour”. A fringe player might chose to attend Missouri State (D-I) over the University of Central Missouri (D-II). It’s unfortunate we’ll see no more Willis Reed or Earl Monroe caliber athletes arrive in the NBA from these collegiate programs.

He’s got to fire himself
I’m trying to jog my memory to determine if I ever wanted an NBA coach fired. Head coaching positions are difficult to achieve, that’s why I don’t wish to see anyone lose a job. Perhaps that’s why coaching (in any sport) becomes a revolving door, he’s fired by one team yet is hired by another. There have been a number of former and present day coaches I haven’t agreed with their methods but I cannot remember wanting them fired. Of course there are always exceptions to everything and the Lakers this season are certainly that. I’d really like to see Mike D’Antoni gone but I don‘t believe it will occur for one principal explanation, owner Jim Buss hired D’Antoni. Firing the coach would be strike two on Buss. You remember strike one don’t you? He hired Mike Brown who proved to all of us he cannot serve as a head coach.

You might also remember Buss briefly flirted with re-hiring Phil Jackson and in the space of hours hired D’Antoni. Is the refusal of Buss to hire strike three or simply a foul tip of his bat? As for D’Antoni I cannot, will not make injury excuses for the poor play this season. The general manager receives a pass for now; he can only follow orders dictated by owner Buss. I believe all of us held out hope at the beginning of the season it might be bad however we had no idea it would become this disaster. A local radio host when discussing Mizzou‘s Frank Haith said “if you fire him (Haith) who do you replace him with? Unlike college basketball I believe there are a number of former NBA coaches who could turn this team around. The Lakers defense is so porous it’s pathetic however what should we expect from a D’Antoni coached team? Rockets 134 Lakers 108 enough said.

It’s me---I know it
The problem is me and not you (or anybody else). I hope it doesn’t appear I’m argumentative or opinionated. Yes I have opinions that might be different from yours but that doesn’t indicate my view is the only one. I’m making this pronouncement prior to further explanation. I held a conversation with an acquaintance, explained to him I’d contacted a local sports anchor correcting a story he’d reported. He said “did you follow up on your email?” I said; ’it wasn’t worth it, I satisfied myself in the fact I was correct.” He said something that might reflect most of us; “he (newscaster) probably would have fooled me with his report.”

It got me to thinking, “most of you probably are working full-time jobs, and you might love the game but have limited time to follow it. You depend on the media to provide answers, 97% of the time their responses are accurate but what about the other 3%?” I have the time to research stories and provide as accurate information as possible. There is a vast difference in following a sport on a casual basis (see Mike Greenberg). Do some reports have built in bias I can say yes with no hesitation. Believe it or not, it’s never been my intent to gain readers being controversial in my observations I leave that aspect to the other guys.

Bits n Pieces
Thank you sir---may I have another?” Dwight Howard indicates “he’s happy he doesn’t have to ask for the ball now“ just reporting the news; I will allow you to draw your own conclusion. No dialogue is forthcoming from me on this subject.

The Naismith High School candidates were announced however that’s not the story, the spotlight is on collegiate winners. UCLA’s Bill Walton won the Naismith award in 1972, 1973 and 1974. Ralph Sampson at Virginia won in 1981, 1982 and 1983. The point the good players (those NBA bound) fail to remain in school in order to win the award two years in a row. Naismith

If it appears I’ve taken the position the Cavs Anthony Bennett cannot play in the NBA that’s totally untrue. I’m borrowing this statement from another; “a first-round draft choice should be able to play themselves into his teams starting lineup.” Injuries have impacted his development to date. It’s possible he could grow into a serviceable player beyond that is up to him.

The change from Metro Sports to TWCSportsChannel has been beneficial for Kansas not so much for Mizzou. The Frank Haith show has been eliminated and the channel barely mentions anything connected with Mizzou. Most of us didn’t realize the broadcasting change would make a Kansas University Sports Channel. For those unfamiliar with the KC metro the TWCSportsChannel studio is located on the Missouri side of the State Line.