Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tom Keegan
I had placed the Mizzou-Kansas rivalry in my rear view mirror. The teams have not competed in the same conference for two years. I truly believed many of the viral comments coming from the west would cease at one point. As I mentioned Tom Keegan of the Lawrence Journal World appeared recently on a local Kansas City sports report. For those unfamiliar with Metro Kansas City it lies on both sides of the State Line, viewers in Kansas and Missouri. Once Keegan finished with Kansas basketball the host asked for his comments regarding Mizzou.

At this point Keegan used the opportunity to trash Frank Haith and Mizzou basketball. I’ve since discovered Keegan doesn’t know anymore about football than he does basketball. After the loss to Texas on Saturday all I could locate were a couple of obscure tweets regarding the game nothing substantial regarding the Kansas loss. As for Keegan‘s football observation he attempted to draw a comparison between former Kansas quarterback Todd Reising and Seahawk quarterback Russell Wilson. Both players are 5-11 however there might be a slight difference in talent. I’m unsure of his point, surely he wasn’t stating Reising is/was on the same talent level of Wilson?

Team mascots should be fearsome
It’s my belief a sports team with an animal included in its name should be a furious one. This is an example; in a discussion with my wife I informed her I thought the University of Missouri-Kansas City should change the name of its athletic teams. I’m no animal expert but I don’t believe a Kangaroo is necessarily a threatening animal. I told her I was going to write the university and suggest they change the nickname, naturally she told me I was crazy. Think about this a moment the thought of a Tiger (Mizzou, Detroit) or Bear (Missouri State, Baylor) could prove to be a threat to your life. Predatory birds would be an Eagle, Hawk or Pelican (don’t laugh).

An alligator might bite your hand or some other appendage off, the schools location and the danger probably may be the basis Florida chose Gators as a nickname. Wolves (Minnesota) are certainly dangerous as well and fearsome too. Most people probably believe a Wildcat is a creature invented for Kansas State. There is such creature and from all indications although small are furious animals. On the other hand there are other teams besides Missouri-Kansas City requiring a name change. Blue jays (Creighton) or Ducks (Oregon) or Cardinals (St. Louis) might not be considered a threat. How about chickens, we could consider the Toledo Mud Hens. I believe if the babies of any of these animals were threatened the mothering instinct would take over. I believe an Owl (Temple) or numerous other animals would attack to defend their off-spring.

Addition by subtraction
Well kind of, Ben Golliver of claims the Pacers signed Bynum to keep him from signing with the Heat. Interesting view from this media member, I believed the Pacers signed him as an addition. Maybe the subtraction was keeping Bynum from signing with the Heat.

The deal has been amended
I’m unsure if I can locate the date I wrote of the Silna brothers. To refresh your memory the brothers owned the Spirits of St. Louis ABA team. ABA and NBA owners had concluded an agreement to merge the two leagues. The only ABA teams moving to the NBA were the Nets, Spurs, Pacers and Nuggets, the remaining teams would be dissolved. Players from those teams were placed in a pool and drafted onto NBA rosters. We are unsure if it was a shrewd business deal or just plain dumb luck. The Silna’s agreed to dissolve the Spirits in exchange for future television revenues.

They would receive 1/7 of the television revenue of the four former ABA teams. Two figures standout, it’s reported the brothers received $19 million dollars from the 2012-13 television revenue, since 1976 they have received approximately $300 million dollars. The agreement was written into perpetuity i.e. *“the state of continuing forever or for a very long time.” I think you can begin to understand why the NBA is attempting to dissolve this agreement. As this story was being completed a settlement is soon to be announced. A payout agreement will be announced, the brothers will continue to receive financial compensation but nowhere near the previous annual amount.
*Merriam-Webster online