Saturday, August 13, 2016

Basketball from a fans perspective

I’m impressed
Everybody (including me) is subject to be second-guessed Adam Silver NBA Commissioner is no exception.  Silver on the job since February 1, 2014 has had several controversial issues to handle.  The first might have been removing Donald Sterling as owner of the Clippers.  I’m unsure if anything of this nature had ever occurred in any major sports.  The nearest off the top of my head was former Cavs owner Ted Stepien.  

He made so many controversial trades the NBA in November 1980 prevented him from making trades without NBA approval.  The Lakers were able to acquire “Big Game” James Worthy due to an earlier trade but there were others of a similar nature. Stepien made threats to move the Cavs first to Toronto and later renaming the team the “Ohio” Cavaliers.  They would play in Pittsburg, Cincinnati and one other city along with Cleveland.  In 1983-83 Stepien decided in favor of selling the team to the Gund brothers.  Technically not the same as the Sterling fiasco but close, Stepien was “prevented” from conducting a portion of his business.  

That might be the nearest example to Donald Sterling.  I read a number of emails from fans questioning this action most admitting Sterling was a “bad guy” but how could Silver remove his as owner?  Hot button issues continue and Silver handles them despite harsh criticism in some circles.  The latest might be relocating the 2018 NBA All-Star Game from Charlotte.  I read the potential monetary loss is estimated to be in the $130 million dollar range.  Again there are question “how could the NBA do this based on a North Carolina legislative decision?”  Although I’d believed David Stern had been good for the NBA Adam Silver might be an even better commissioner.

Akron’s native son
Instead of questioning why I’m just sayin’ okay, questioned why LeBron James would sign a 3-year contract.  They indicate he would become a free-agent next season and perhaps sign an even larger contract.  This contract will be worth $100 million dollars for those 3-three years, that figures out to roughly $31 million a year.  If we factor in all of LeBron’s investments Forbes estimates his net worth is in the neighborhood of $300 million dollars.  I’m not going to figure out why he signed the contact I’m just going to say well.

Bits n Pieces
I believe we all know musical entertainer Drake is a basketball fan.  He can be spotted in his court side seats at his hometown Toronto Raptors games.   Drake is also a fan of Kentucky basketball which is okay however we might question his clothing choice.  Somebody should have warned him about showing up at Texas with Kentucky gear on.  It was reported several Texas fans disapproved his choice of clothing and informed him of the fact.   

Mitch Kupchak has gone on record with his observation of Ivica Zubac “A little bit ahead of what we thought.”  The Laker rookie appears ready for the rugged play he will experience in the NBA.  It’s likely his coach will bring him along slowly so don’t expect outstanding numbers this first year.  Kupchak’s statement allows me to believe the Lakers might have a diamond in the rough.

Why not inform us how you really feel?  An Oklahoma sporting goods store is selling Kevin Durant jerseys for less than a dollar.  As one whose purchased jerseys in the past this is totally insane.  The very cheapest jersey sales for $69.99 as opposed to the 98 cents.  I cannot believe a player once so loved by a city and state being so despised a business is willing to take a loss on its stock of merchandise.  It will be interesting the first time Durant’s introduced in Oklahoma City as a member of the Warriors.  

This is pure speculation and consider the fact; Mizzou Athletic Director Jim Sterk is on the job September 1.  Kim Anderson will soon begin year three of his five year contract.  His record the last two years reads 19-44 which spells trouble in more than one area.  Mizzou cannot hope to recruit good quality players with a losing program.  Year three becomes critical, if they were to make the NCAA that would be tremendous.  That outlook is out of the view of most of the faithful, what is hoped for is improvement.  

The Replacements
Was a 2000 movie featuring Kenau Reeves, the movies theme Gene Hackman was coaching replacement football players, the regulars had gone on strike. Those coaches in the collegiate ranks have not gone on strike however as they age who replaces them?  We might have included Brad Stevens in the group of youngsters if he hadn’t left for the NBA Celtics.  Consider this Jim Boeheim is 71, Coach K. is 69, Rick Pitino 63 and others range in age from the late ‘50’s into the early ‘60’s.  

Who are the “youngsters” who replace this list of Hall of Fame coaches?  We could lead off with Shaka Smart at Texas, Mitch Henderson Princeton, Andy Toole Robert Morris and Bryce Drew Vanderbilt.  There are other other shining stars across the nation I might have missed the list is to inform you “The Replacements” are already in place.  This is no guarantee of continued future success but should provide evidence the sun is still shining.