Sunday, December 18, 2016

Basketball from a fans perspective

He voiced his belief
Allen Iverson left no doubt his thoughts on players sitting out games.  During the Sixers-Lakers game Iverson was questioned about today’s players taking games off.  I cannot quote him exactly however he did not agree with players sitting down.  Chauncey Billups in the ESPN studios agreed with him and said; “We (Iverson) are from the same generation.”

I believe we realize the NBA season is long running from October to June for playoff teams.  We discuss players of this generation being superior athletes and they might well be.  NBA players of the previous generation wouldn’t dare consider taking games off.  Players of that era were out of the lineup for injuries and illness that was it.  

Don’t allow me to fool you
There are far too many college teams in far too many portions of the country to be able to cover all.  I hope I haven’t given anyone the impression I see ALL the games.  My viewing is somewhat selective; I watch Mizzou and UMKC because one is in-state and the other local.  I follow Kansas because it’s next door about 40 miles away in Lawrence.  As for the others I don’t watch games just to watch them.  Not in any order I attempt to see Kentucky, Louisville, Georgetown, North Carolina and UCLA.  

On the periphery Wichita State, New Mexico, Missouri State, Gonzaga, Arizona and Indiana.  I try and catch some of the better West Coast teams but 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. start time for me in the Central Time Zone creates a problem.  That’s it, now don’t become confused come NCAA Tournament time my viewing goes out the window I sometimes have been known to view obscure teams.  Then again another issue Saturday mornings and afternoons I’m forced to make a choice.  A game I’m watching often overlaps with another--can you say channel surfing?

Taking a second look
In the past we’ve discussed the opportunity to make it at the NBA level.  Sometimes its talent sometimes it’s just being in the right place at the right time.  It’s hoped on my part friends and relatives of Russ Smith believe this is meant to demean Smith’s talent or ability.  I have no idea what occurred that hampered his NBA development I do know what happened with Jordan Clarkson.  

Writer Kevin Deng claims in the 2014 draft the Lakers actually debated between Louisville’s Russ Smith and Jordan Clarkson of Mizzou.  Laker scouts championed the idea of drafting Clarkson over Smith.  With the 46th pick in the second round the Wizards made the pick based on the scout’s belief.  Smith would become the next pick by the Pelicans, later he would play for the Grizzlies and the D-League Smith is now playing in Turkey.  We know what occurred with Clarkson he would become a starter last season for the Lakers and with the change in coaching the 6th man off the Laker bench.

He returned to school
Some one whispers in a prospects ear and off to the NBA he heads.  I thought that might have been the case for Elhadi Tacko Sereigne Diop Fall or Tacko Fall for short.  After a pedestrian freshmen year Fall decided to return to the University of Central Florida for his second year. The NBA still covets Big Men and Fall at 7 foot 6 inches and nearly 300 pounds fit’s the bill that‘s why I believed he was headed to the NBA.  Returning for his sophomore year has proven beneficial so far as his game has shown signs of improvement.  Fall has raised his scoring average from 7.4 ppg to 13.4 and rebounds from 5.9 to 12.6.  

Those numbers might not be earth shattering but certainly shows improvement over his freshmen year.  Fall has managed to raise the level of his game however he needs improvement and suffers the Big Men’s dilemma--poor free-throw shooting.  The youngster from Senegal in West Africa may not be headed to the NBA in 2017 but could come graduation might become the world’s largest engineer should he go to work for Siemens or Microsoft.  The engineer part will only occur if the NBA fails to call I have doubts he wants a D-League or Euro career.