Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Basketball from a fans perspective

I’m bothered
As this is written the Clippers stand 20-8 and 4th place in the Western Conference, a good record which places them near the top of NBA winning teams.  If the season ended they would face the Jazz a team they are certainly capable of beating----maybe.  I’ve had several opportunities to view the Clippers since the start of the season and I honestly don’t know what to think.  Parts of the team look improved (bench) while others (small forward) look average. There is no requirement for an NBA All Pro at every position however inquiring minds have questions.

One of my continuing areas of concern is technical fouls.  The Clippers are near the top of the NBA in technical fouls a fact I believe is a reflection of the head coach.  Keep this in mind annually they lead or near the top in receiving technical fouls, listening to Rivers there is always a reason why and usually it’s nothing he or his team has done incorrectly it‘s always the other guy.  I’m going to make this the last account where I attempt to get inside the head of Doc Rivers and company.  NOTE:  Just as I finished this account came word Blake Griffin was to undergo minor knee surgery; he’ll be out of the lineup 3-6 weeks.

The Midwest portion of the nation depends on who is doing the talking.  As an example a publication I read has basketball programs divided by regions.  They list (The) Ohio State and Indiana in their Midwest section.  Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska are listed as ‘Plains‘ States as in prairie not plain as in ordinary.  The basis for this account is Fox Sports Midwest footprint in Kansas City.  There is no local Fox Sports everything is run out of St. Louis which is no issue except its sometimes confusing.  

There are evenings we can tune in to a St. Louis University game but no University of Mo-Kansas City games are telecast on Fox.  We witness the Missouri State High School basketball championships on the network as well as Indiana.  We sometimes have available Thunder games from Oklahoma City but no Pacer games from Indianapolis.  See my broadcast confusion; we never know in Kansas City without consulting the guide whether it’s Oklahoma, Indiana or Missouri.  I’m sure contracts especially those affecting colleges determine telecasts.  

Headed to UCLA as well
On December 13 I wrote of the California Trifecta the profile of the Ball brothers of Chino Hills. The oldest of the three brothers Lonzo is having an outstanding freshman season at UCLA.  I didn’t realize until now the other two brothers are headed to Westwood as well. LiAngelo will arrive next season at UCLA likely replacing his older brother who is headed to the NBA.  

Little brother (as in age) will have another two years remaining at Chino Hills and then it’s UCLA for him too.  We’ve been able to witness the talent of Lonzo first hand, there is certainly no guarantee the other two are as talented so that’s the disclaimer.  UCLA should be set for the next few years with the continuous influx of talent.

‘He’s what’
After all these years we finally discover the truth about Kevin Durant.  For years first with the Thunder and now with the Warriors he’s been listed as 6-9.  Durant claims; ‘In bare feet I’m 6-10 ½ and shoes 7 feet tall.’  Durant’s story plays out far differently than most players especially those in the NBA.  Players are ‘taller’ than listed and former Knick great Willis Reed might be a prime example of this.  

Reed’s entire NBA career he was listed at 6-10 when he was actually 6-9.  The story cannot be documented however the claim is Reed’s coach at Grambling College (University) asked him about his height, Reed  informed the coach ‘I’m 6-9’, the coach was reported to have informed Reed, ‘You are 6-10, they pay 6-10 guys more money in the NBA than one who is 6-9’.