Saturday, August 25, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

After 16 seasons
And at the age of 41 Manu Ginobili is considering retirement.  Ginobili is another of those guys I hated, it seemed at the time the Spurs and Lakers were competing for championships he was one.  Ginobili was one of the Spurs players as a starter or reserve who would hit the crucial or key shot causing my Lakers a loss.  Ginobili might not have been the first however he’s been given credit for bringing the “Euro Step” to the NBA. 
For those unfamiliar with the term it’s a move to the basket the player takes an extra step.  Officials ceased whistling players for traveling who begin utilizing the move.  It’s interesting in another aspect the player generally given credit for the move is not from Europe at all, he’s from Argentina. Ginobili did play for two Italian teams prior to the Spurs, they made him the 57th pick in the second round of the 1999 NBA draft.  He’s going to meet with Coach Pop, whether he retires or not the next stop will be the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame. 

Friends, friends and maybe you
Larry Laker never complains about the Lakers, roster, coach and front office, that’s what family, friends and maybe you believe…. that belief is totally false.  I will be the most positive person ever unless I perceive an issue, or a move which later turns out to be the incorrect effort.  Example, the acquisition of Lance Stephenson, Michael Beasley and Rajon Rondo.  Rondo, there’s a name that certainly says controversy but one I’m ready to deal with, you ask why?
The chief reason I’m simply tired of LaVar Ball who appears to suffer from oral diarrhea and cannot remain silent for even 5 minutes.  In fairness part of the problem is the media itself, Ball is a lightning rod for controversy.  Media appears to believe placing a mic in front of him is invaluable for ratings.  I’ve mentioned this previously and I will repeat it, the Lakers should trade Lonzo Ball not because he can’t play, it’s his dad.  Despite the clubhouse lawyer reputation of Rondo, he can play and I’m ready for him to take the reins.  I came across a side by side comparison of the two from last season and the numbers are quite interesting.   
Ball                                          Rondo
52                    G                     65
10.2                 PPG                8.3
36.0                 FG%                46.8 
6.9                   RB                   4.0
7.2                   APG                8.2
As you can see the 20-year old Ball’s numbers are nearly the same as the 32-year old Rondo.  The point here, for years NBA fans claimed Rondo “couldn’t shoot” how about Ball?  Although Ball is taller (6-foot 6 inches) and weighs slightly more (190 pounds) he managed to miss more games than Rondo.  Both demonstrate skill with distributing the ball, I call it a draw at this point.  LaVar Ball causes the balance to shift slightly toward Rondo at this point for me, what do you think?
He needs a job
Mark Jackson doesn’t really need a job, ESPN/ABC probably compensate him reasonably well.  When I state he needs a job it is a reference to an NBA head coaching job.  Jackson’s name is never rumored or mentioned when vacancies open in the coaching ranks.  This point guard turned coach turned analyst is on the outside looking in.  Unlike his broadcast partner Jeff Van Gundy, it’s my belief Jackson wants the opportunity to coach again after being dumped as coach of the Warriors. 
He led the Warriors from a 23-win season to 51 wins and was fired shortly thereafter.  This issue regarding Jackson comes to the forefront once again due to a conversation with a friend.  I hadn’t seen Sean for a while, so we immediately began discussing the acquisition of LeBron and other Laker additions.  At one-point Sean informed me “I’m not sold on Luke Walton to lead this bunch.”  I’ve heard that statement from other Laker fans but simply said “Let’s wait and see.” 
I did inform Sean this could play out in a similar manner to college.  Sean is ready to hire Mark Jackson as this is written, I believe Jackson needs a job, but it’s required right now not two years from now.  Allow a further explanation, a new college athletic director almost always wants to hire his own coaches.  The same situation is likely for the Lakers, Walton although a former Laker player was hired by the previous staff he’s not Magic Johnson or Rob Plenika’s hire.  This is my belief, Walton will be granted additional time with a “new” Laker team and front office in place.  Year one with LeBron is Walton’s, year two is not guaranteed.