Saturday, June 1, 2019

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

You have permission
After the 118-109 win in Game One by the Raptors you have permission to laugh at me.  One game does not a series make, we shall see what ultimately prevails.  They are not going to do it in Toronto but certainly in Oakland.  I’d mentioned this before Kansas fans had a chant for former Mizzou coach Norm Stewart.  Stewart like a few coaches spent most of the game on his feet.  They would chant; “Sit down Norm.”  I’m sure if Drake accompanies his team to Oakland, he’s likely to be given a similar welcome.        
Jayhawk Nation is rejoicing again
Jayhawk Nation is rejoicing again, first it was Udoka Azubuike.  Reports circulated the Kansas big man was considering the NBA after sitting out last season with an injury.  He decided in favor of remaining at Kansas, more recently it was the NCAA lifting the ban on Silvio De Sousa.  De Sousa you remember was suspended for the 2018-19 season. 
On Wednesday it was guard Devon Dotson, he announced his name had been withdrawn from the NBA draft.  He also indicates he will return to the Lawrence campus for his sophomore year.  Guard Quentin Grimes also withdrew his name from the NBA draft but is not returning to Kansas, he plans on transferring.  This might turn out better than signing a bunch of McDonald's All-Americans.  For the most part they have players returning needing no adjustment to the college game.   
A repeat of history
Rockets coach Mike D’Antoni is still under contract for another year. is reporting contract talks between his agent and Rockets management have broken off, D’Antoni desires an extension.  Is the same scenario playing out with the Rockets as it did with the Lakers?  Many of you might forget D’Antoni coached the Lakers from 2012 through the end of the 2014 season. 
After the 2014 season was complete D’Antoni resigned as coach since the team refused to pick up his option to coach in 2015-16.  Now I’m not stating this is a repeat of history, but it might appear to be the case.  Apparently Rockets management has adopted a wait and see regarding D’Antoni.  There might be a question if the coach can lead this team to the NBA championship. 
All in the Family
No, not the former classic television series rather the sons of LeBron James and Dwayne Wade.  Bronny age 14 and Bryce age 11 have enrolled in a new school, they will attend Sierra Canyon in Chatsworth California.  School enrollment is pre-K through grade 12, according to reports the move was strictly decided by basketball.  Imagine offspring playing basketball without all the drama of that other family of basketball playing sons.  Also joining the James crew in school and on the court Zaire Wade son of DeWayne Wade. 
Mission Statement
Corporations love to publish their mission statements before the public.  I don’t have a mission statement but the headline every published date reads: “Basketball from a fan’s perspective.  That’s been the intent from the first day it was begun.  It’s interesting how this blog began, there were five or six of us at work. 
We’d eat lunch together everyday and discuss (sometimes arguing) our view of the sports world.  We had a dedicated soccer fan, three college and NFL fans and me.  Later in the day I would send out emails to each member of the “lunch bunch.”  One of the members suggested “Why not create a blog?”  End of story, that’s how Words eye view first began.  It’s just that, “Basketball from a fan’s perspective” not someone claiming to be an expert.