Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

Publishing change
The NBA season began Tuesday evening, the non-conference portion of the college basketball season begins in about three weeks.  With the basketball season upon us there will be a publishing change in Words eye view.  Beginning this week, we begin publishing Monday through Friday.  There will be no weekend editions, hopefully you enjoy this publication and will continue to read in its revised format.  
Come on Doc we thought you were better than this   
The Clippers coach went on the record indicating “Los Angeles would always be a Laker town.”  First the compliment and then the devaluation of the product.  The esteem coach wanted all to know, “The Lakers have only won 11 championships in Los Angeles.”  Rivers discounted the 5 championships won by the Minneapolis Lakers.  How about your coaching Doc, it’s quite interesting reading the comments of former Clipper J.J. Redick about his time.   
We really f****d that up. We had a chance to win. To me it was such a special time and then by the end of my third year, fourth year it just felt completely different. And there were these small little cracks and small little fractures and we didn’t do the right thing and we didn’t repair them the way we should have and address them the way we should have. I look back and I’m like, ‘How did that team not win one championship?’ 1.  Okay Doc while we are counting championships how many have your Clippers won?  Hmmmm, I thought so.
Global Warming
Forget that, Hell has literally frozen over, remember Bill Self and Kansas unwilling to play Mizzou after they left for the SEC.  I’m still confused as why so much vitriol was aimed strictly at Mizzou, after all one-year earlier Colorado and Nebraska left the Big 12 ahead of Mizzou.  Both states share a common border with Kansas along with Missouri.  

To my knowledge neither school got the hatred aimed at Mizzou. 24-hours after the announcement I’m not so sure I want to EVER PLAY Kansas again.  Oh well, I can’t stop the move, but I can show my contempt I can pull a Norm Stewart.  It’s been reported the long-time Mizzou coach would bus his team to Kansas City stay in a hotel overnight.  In the morning the bus would make the 40-mile trip to Lawrence Kansas, Stewart didn’t want to spend a dime in the State of Kansas. 
Point guard
With LeBron James and Anthony Davis on your roster do you really need a point guard? The answer to that question might be yes and no, both players are skilled passers.  This is being mentioned because an ESPN broadcaster said there would be less wear and tear on LeBron if he played the point. 
Sure, LeBron would be forced to guard speedy point guards but no bumping bodies for 40 some minutes with guys close to his size in weight.  I certainly could see the soon to be 35-year old playing the point.  On the other hand, it would be nice to have a veteran in Chris Paul or Goran Dragic.  There is an issue, $$$$ the Lakers have no cap space or the ability to pay either player.  Hey Rob Pelinka, do the voodoo that you do to make this move occur.     
“Just win Baby”
The headline above was coined by the late Al Davis owner of the NFL Raiders.  This is strange; this begins with an NFL phrase moves to baseball and ends with the NBA.  Reports have been generated the baseball Royals are on the market.  (later a sale was confirmed) I say they need a new owner based on history.  A publication pointed out the Royals have been a losing franchise 19 of the 24 years the Glass families owned the team.  The family cannot pitch or hit a baseball however they could have made a better attempt to place a winning product on the field. 
The Royals decided in favor of profit over placing a winning team on the field.  Although the Lakers have suffered adversely on the court that’s not always been their history.  We need look no further than the Lakers 16 NBA championships.  Although the Warriors lost the 2019 NBA championship that’s not always been the case either, they have been a successful franchise over the last several years.  I believe fans are realists, they hope for a win every time out but believe it’s not possible.  All owners must do is make a valid attempt to build a winning franchise something the baseball Royals have failed at times.