Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

Last Dance
Episodes 9 and 10 concluded Sunday evening on ESPN.  Are you like me, “Is that all there is, I want more?”  I have seen several documentaries over the course of my lifetime this one ranks near the top of my personal list.  Last Dance was eye opening for a few reasons, first it allowed us to return to the glory days of the Bulls.  All the warts were exposed, the physical and verbal battles that existed.  In an interview with ESPN’s Scott Van Pelt director Jason Hehir indicated not a single individual profiled said, “don’t show that.” 

That would tend to affirm our belief Last Dance was “The Good, The Bad and the Ugly” of the Bulls Dynasty.  The only downside was an area Hehir had no control, Bulls GM Jerry Krause died in 2017 and had no opportunity to defend his actions.  Krause was the architect of the Bulls if we consider he brought everyone together apart from Michael Jordan.  Krause claimed Phil Jackson had no job, MJ said he would only play for Phil. 

As for teammate Pippen MJ claims he would have returned as well.  Hehir allowed many to see a side of the superstar we witnessed with his Naismith Hall of Fame speech.  Most of the public even basketball fans were unaware MJ was so fiery regarding the opposition and his Bulls teammates.  An individual blessed with basketball skills far beyond the level of most.  MJ was unapologetic regarding his intense desire to win, he seems to say, “Help me or get out of the way if you are not prepared to sacrifice.”  Are you ready for episode 11 and 12, I certainly am?   

NBA Draft
We are about a month from June 25, that is the original date of the NBA Draft.  As this is written there is no indication it will be postponed.  Under normal circumstances Western and Eastern Conference Division teams would possibly be at play to decide which team represents each division.  By the time June 25 rolls around the NBA Championship would have been decided. Of course, these are not normal times, covid-19 has forced a suspension of play in the NBA and other professional sports. 

The latest NBA news indicates there is no planned revision in the schedule date of the draft.  We read several teams have already conducted pre-draft interviews, how complete this might be is unknown.  We must guess if teams have conducted workouts either in person or by video.   As for the lottery portion the indication is will look like prior years.  The team with the worst record can finish no lower than fifth, the lottery consists of the 14 teams with the worst won-loss record in the 2019-20 season.     

Headed for the G-League
I saw YouTube video of Kai Sotto in action, he is the youngster who recently decided in favor of the G-League over college.  Check it out for yourself I am sure there is more than one.  Although Sotto stands 7 feet 2 inches tall he checks in at rail thin 210 pounds and that has been the issue for several.  The letters came pouring in “He’s too thin, in the NBA they will break him down” or “He lacks upper body strength”. Those were just a few of the negative comments I read.  I took in all the comments but focused on one letter. 

The writer said, “Remember when Kevin Garnett arrived in the NBA and how thin he was, Garnett would become an NBA champion and league MVP.”  I checked the records and discovered Garnett at 6 foot 11 weighed 217 pounds when he began play for the Wolves.  I try and refrain from declarations of an athlete’s ability until they have an opportunity to prove they do not have the skill to play at the NBA level.  I cannot disagree with many of the negative comments, but most issues raised are not beyond the realm of capability. 

In 1981 Pink Floyd had hit record titled Money, Michael Jordan might have the playlist in his inventory.  On ESPN’s Highly Questionable the discussion was focused on Last Dance, during the discussion Bomani Jones made a statement which caused me to say, WHAT?  During a portion of the conversation Jones claimed MJ was worth more than Bulls owner Jerry Reinsdorf.  I went searching to discover if Jones was correct, my only stop was Forbes.com.  Bulls and White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf’s net worth is reported to be $1.5 billion, Michael Jordan’s is $2.1 billion.  As Don King might say, “Only in America.”