Saturday, May 9, 2020

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

The rebuttal
Kansas basketball Coach Bill Self issued a passionate rebuttal to the 90-page letter the NCAA issued.  This is not an indictment against Self, from all indications he and his coaching staff had no knowledge of the reported improprieties.  The statement we often here in similar cases, “lack of institutional control” which lands at the feet of the coach and his staff.  In a few previous instances, the head coach or members of the staff have been fired.  That might not be the case here, but I wanted to explain how serious this was.  

As mentioned earlier Level 1 violations are the most serious charges there are, and Kansas Basketball is charged with either 3 or 5.  The confusion is based on the reading, one account indicates 5 violations while the other says its 3.  Whatever the number its possible one or more could be shelved which is the best-case scenario.  Several in Jayhawk Nation tend to believe the coach and his program will skate away with no penalty whatsoever, that is highly unlikely.  A number cite North Carolina and Duke as examples of their reasoning, whatever the case a decision will be forthcoming prior to the 2020-21 basketball season.  

Three incarnations of Pat Riley
Working and building on the talent at hand, that’s Pat Riley president of the Heat. After playing at Kentucky and a brief career in the NBA he went into broadcasting for the Lakers. In 1979 he began tenure as an assistant coach for the team and a series of moves elevated him to the top spot. Head coach Jack McKinney was seriously injured in a bicycle accident, his top assistant Paul Westhead took over. With rookie Magic Johnson in the lineup the team won the 1980 NBA championship.

Westhead is hired as head coach the following season, after allowing a free-flowing offense the Lakers began a slow-down style of play which did not showcase the team’s talent. Magic demanded a trade so as usually the case Westhead is fired, and Riley takes over. Once the change was made the Showtime Lakers burned rubber up and down the court with their fast-break style. They won championships but like all things eventually come to an end, in 1990 Riley stepped down as head coach.

The 1991-92 season he re-surfaced as head coach of the Knicks. The Knicks had speed but nothing close to the Lakers so what does Riley do? The Knicks under Riley became known for their belly button defense. Although they never won a championship anytime opposing teams finished a game, they spent plenty of time in the whirlpool. In 1995 he resigned from the Knicks and became president and head coach of the Heat. He would win an NBA championship for the Heat and was personally responsible for LeBron James and Chris Bosh coming to the Heat. Under his front office leadership and direction, the Heat won several NBA championships. This is but a glimpse of what I believe is one of the best coaches in NBA history.

“All men are created equal except 7 footers”
If we mentioned Sierra Canyon basketball the thought is LeBron James and Dwayne Wade’s offspring on the roster.  These two might be more well-known however neither is the largest Sierra Canyon athlete.  Harold Yu is that athlete, a 7-3-inch center and weighs a hefty 270 pounds.  Yu is from China but arrived on these shores to improve his game, his long-range desire is an NBA career.  

Yu is one of several 7-foot youth players here and internationally.  There is a question for Yu and several Big Men of this generation, who teaches 7 footers to play?  How are coaches working with 7-footers in today’s day?  It would appear those receiving training today are encouraged to shot from distance, all men are created equal except 7 footers.     

The name is available and its historical
One day it is believed my hometown Kansas City will return to the NBA again.  It could be 5 years or 10, no matter the time frame a name awaits them ahead of their arrival.  That is my view, no need of a naming contest for one already in use or inventing some weird name like THUNDER.  For those who love the name consider thunder occurs everywhere in the world, it is not unique nor original.  The NBA team should be known as the Kansas City Monarchs, this is a historical name long associated with the city. 

As for the history, the Monarchs were a charter member of the National Negro League having been founded in 1920.  The Monarchs played championship caliber basketball for many seasons.  The continued play long after legendary Jackie Robinson integrated baseball in 1947 with the Brooklyn Dodgers.  Rest assured I hear the complaints and objections ahead of time.  Many will voice concerns that name should apply to baseball only. 

The historical ramifications of the name lie far beyond that.  At a friend’s suggestion he said, “Kansas City Blues.”  The Blues played at several classifications but were mostly a AAA baseball team.  They first began play in 1902 and lasted until 1954 when the Philadelphia Athletics moved to Kansas City.  The name might be almost as closely identified with Kansas City as the Monarchs, either name would be satisfactory for me.