Friday, October 30, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

Published Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday

Out of misery (covid) comes possibility ---There is no indication Kansas City will receive an NBA franchise based on the mayor’s recent letter to the NBA commissioner.  In this instance we speak of the invitation for the Raptors to consider the city as a temporary home or in the future another NBA team.  Mayor Lucas pointed out the Kansas City region contains a population base larger than four regions containing NBA teams.  Not in any order they are Salt Lake, OKC, Memphis and New Orleans.  

The last time a similar situation occurred a different city administration in Kansas City failed to act.  In 2005 Hurricane Katrina struck the gulf coast causing catastrophic loss of life and property.  Damage to the arena meant the NBA team was forced to move, the 2005-06 season would witness the Hornets (Pelicans) play in Oklahoma City.  

The effort by civic members in Oklahoma City might have laid the groundwork for the eventual purchase of the Sonics by a local group and the move to Oklahoma City.  Rest assured there is no indication a similar situation would exist should the Raptors play in Kansas City in the upcoming season. In addition to the mayor, 2 U.S. Senators, and 2 U.S. Congressman from both major parties representing Kansas and Missouri is quite interesting.  It is hoped in some circle’s success is achieved with the Raptors or an NBA team belonging to the city with Kansas City on its jersey.      

1988, opps 2020---The confusion is due to the NBA Champion and World Series winner.  In 1988 as 2020 the Lakers won championship number 17; the Dodgers won their 7th championship.  This is an unusual accomplishment in the the same year, outstanding for one city.   

We have new leadership in Houston---The front office changes in Houston are complete, Rafael Stone was hired as general manager replacing Daryl Morey.  Stone reached out to the Mavs and hired assistant Stephen Silas as the new head coach for the Rockets.  What does the future hold for the team with this new front office and coach?  In my view the Rockets are probably in a worst way than numerous NBA teams. 

The statement is made because it is my belief they are in the middle of the pack, they are not a bad team, but they are not good.  Exactly what is the definition, they are decent enough to earn a playoff berth but not effectively compete for an NBA Championship.  We can make this statement about the Rockets, “the sum is greater than the parts” with this team.  How patient will owner Tilman Ferititta be with this new combo gm and head coach?  Hopefully, he gives them time to restructure. 

Speaking of Daryl Morey---I ain’t mad a Daryl Morey but, it seems just as soon as he resigns as GM of the Rockets, he manages to secure another job.  Morey’s been hired as president of the Sixers which certainly was a smooth move.   Did he feel as though time ran out on the “small ball” experiment with the Rockets?  Rest assured there are probably areas Morey excels, we are not exactly sure if this extends into the realm of player development.  I know the idea to go small wasn't his alone Mike D'Antoni's fingerprints are on the move too.  

A third thing added---For those reading this account outside the U.S. you might not be familiar with this next term.  An adage says, “There are two things we are sure of death and taxes," please allow the addition of a third thing:   



Laker Haters

I’m unsure if we can refer to Pat Riley as a hater but he certainly threw shade in the direction of the Lakers regarding their championship.  There have been others former players, members of the media even a few with NBA connections.  Is there a need on my part to defend the Lakers, probably not?  I must state my chief concern is the failure by these critics to realize what it takes to win a championship.   

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

Published Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday

Temporary home---Mayor Quinton Lucas a man of his word sent a letter to NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, he identified Kansas City as a possible temporary home should the Raptors be unable to play in Toronto in the upcoming season.  On Monday Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes sent the mayor a tweet affirming his support for the effort.  The mayor’s letter contained his signature and the signatures of three U.S. senators (two Kansas and one Missouri) and two U.S. congressmen.  This is a good news/bad news story, many of us desire NBA basketball in Kansas City even on a temporary basis.  The bad news, covid being the foundation for the NBA returning to Kansas City.       

We have the answer---Julius Erving a.k.a. Dr. J. has given Glen Rivers permission to continuing using his nickname as coach of the Sixers.  There might have been others however actor Michael Rappaport first said it, “He’s now Glenn, he can’t be Doc in Philadelphia.”  As for the origin of the nickname Rivers claims it was the late Rick Majerus who tagged him with the nickname.  He attended a summer basketball camp one year with a Dr. J. T-shirt and Majerus spotted the shirt and gave him the nickname.  Doc stuck with Glenn through college at Marquette and into the NBA as a player later as a coach.   

No asterisk then---A writer reminded me and perhaps it was mentioned earlier, the Pistons won the 1989 NBA Championship sweeping the Lakers 4 games to 0.  What occurred, the Lakers were forced to play without their starting backcourt.  Byron Scott and Magic Johnson both suffered hamstring injuries and the reserves were unable to compete against the Pistons being swept.  We heard no mention of an asterisk by the Lakers coach at the time, who was the Laker coach at the time, it was Pat Riley now president and general manager of the Heat? 

Can’t blame this on James Dolan--- The Knicks owner receives a great deal of criticism for the state of the Knicks.  Dolan has only been involved in ownership of the time since 1994.  Kareem Abdul Jabbar had grown up in New York City, he only ventured west to play basketball at UCLA.  In 1969 he was made the first pick in the NBA Draft by the Bucks, by 1975 Abdul Jabbar indicated he wanted out of Milwaukee.  We discover in October 2020 Abdul Jabbar wanted the Knicks and not the Lakers, makes sense for several reasons. 

He’d grown up rooting for the Brooklyn Dodgers and Knicks however there was one difficulty according to him.  The Lakers made it clear they wanted him by offering extra incentives, as for his hometown Knicks he claims they were less enthusiastic to acquire him.  The Knicks should have been fully aware of Abdul Jabbar by 1975, he’d won an NBA Championship and was named NBA MVP three times.  Just a small number of honors Abdul Jabbar won before finishing his career as a member of the Lakers.        

Cousins is certainly in Karl’s head---Veteran George Karl last coached in 2016 at Sacramento, Boogie Cousins played for Karl at the time, but he also left the Kings the following season.  Have an idea where this story might be headed, okay I will clarify it for you?  We are in the last week of October 2020, we guess the last time the two named individuals might have encountered one another was likely four years ago. 

Despite the passage of time Cousins is certainly in Karl’s head, for no apparent reason he felt it necessary to inform us Cousins was a terrible player to coach.  This is not intended to be a defense of Cousins or his apparent attitude because we had no idea what might have occurred between the two.  It appears Karl is one of those individuals who continues to hold on to grudges, whatever you might have done, or he believes you might have done is difficult for him to let go. 

Monday, October 26, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

Published Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday

What’s the deal---Is it social media, the internet or something else that’s caused this?  In this instance we speak of former NBA players coming out of the background giving us their view on countless numbers of NBA issues.  We expect those working in the media to voice opinions but among many we hear from them because they played the game.  Are there words more important from a former star player over a 12th man, probably?   

Don’t get me wrong all have the right to express their views, but I grow tired of listening to many.  “We did it better, we did it longer, we had this, we had that.”  I love the game as it is, sure it’s changed over the years, but I have changed with it.  I have no desire to read how many points Tracy McGrady could score in today’s NBA.  The second piece is the constant back and forth who is/was the greatest ever.  Over the years we’ve witnessed several All-Time skillful great players, you do what you do, I have no intention to participate in this exercise any longer. 

Bring on your rage---This is a developing story; many Kansas basketball fans will be offended by this account.  The world fails to start and stop with the school’s fortunes, allow a brief explanation.  As most of you might be aware the Canadian pro sports teams with U.S. ties cannot cross the closed border between the two nations.  This is a result of COVID-19 continuing to impact the nation.  Baseball and hockey have found temporary homes in the U.S., what about the NBA you ask? 

Louisville is mentioned as a temporary home for the Toronto Raptors, Kansas City MO is tardy to the party but intends to join the bidding.  Once Mayor Lucas made his announcement several responses came in along these lines.  “Won’t having an NBA team here hurt Kansas basketball?”   With Lawrence some 50 miles from the KC Metro rest assured a significant number probably attend Kansas games.  The Kansas City Kings never sat any attendance records while the city was home for them.  This is a different time however I doubt from 1972-1985 if attendance at Kansas games was impacted by the Kings.  My belief and mine alone I seriously doubt if this is a real issue, sorry Jayhawk fans.   

The remainder---We are down to the Rockets and Thunder; they are the last two NBA teams yet to name a head coach.  With only two remaining we can explore the names who might be under consideration. 

Jeff Van Gundy-former NBA coach and current ESPN/ABC analyst

David Vanderpool-associate head coach Wolves

Wes Unseld Jr.-assistant coach Nuggets

Stephen Silas-assistant coach Mavs

John Lucas-former NBA player and coach 

Mike Brown-assistant coach Warriors

The hire at Indiana caught most of us off guard, although Nate Bjorkgren was on the staff of Nick Nurse at Toronto most of us were unfamiliar with his name.    

“I ain’t getting on no time machine!” ---There is a proposed hyperloop on the drawing board, built alongside I-70 this tube system would take a traveler from Kansas City to St. Louis in about 30 minutes.  Present day auto traffic between the two metros is about a 4-hour drive.  I’m extremely claustrophobic, it’s bad enough for me to fly ‘sealed” inside an airliner flying at 30,000 feet in the air.  Marvin “Bad News” Barnes was an extremely talented basketball player, he was also extremely troubled.  One incident after another would lead to trouble for him, while in high school he robbed a local grocery store.  Standing 6 foot 9 and with a jersey with your name on the back its easy to understand why the police caught him. 

Despite off the court problems he managed to play college ball at Providence and later in the ABA for the Spirits of St. Louis.  Remember we stated earlier he wasn’t all there mentally at times; his team had played in Louisville and was preparing to return to St. Louis. The team informed Barnes they would leave at 8:00 p.m. and arrive in St. Louis at 7:56. How can you land before you leave, he must have asked, someone explained to him the time zones.  Louisville (at that time being Eastern and St. Louis Central Time), how come St. Louis is an hour behind the city they are leaving.  Barnes informs the team to cancel his ticket and indicated he would drive to St. Louis.  “I ain’t getting’ on no time machine.”  There is no method to verify if the story is true, based on Barnes history it certainly sounds plausible.  As for me if it’s ever built I ain’t getting’ on no hyperloop. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

5-4-3-2-1---The countdown to the word asterisk, rest assured someone other than Pat Riley probably said it first.  The reason this one requires a response because its untrue, the Heat president and former coach is one of my favorite NBA personalities but not on this issue.  Riley was displeased at the time LeBron James left and returned to Cleveland.  We remember reading he indicated LeBron did not bother to contact him before making his decision. 

Feelings had probably mellowed until his Heat team was beaten by a LeBron led Laker team for the NBA Championship.  As coach of the Showtime Lakers Riley will always be held in esteem by this member of Laker Nation.  Let’s just say I don’t agree with his take based on the outcome, if his Heat team had won this would be no story.  Pat Riley remains one of my favorites in the NBA despite the fact we don't agree on this matter.   

“The mouth that roared” ---Ask LaVar Ball his opinion on a subject, any subject.  It seems to not matter whether he’s got expertise in the area he certainly is willing to offer you his opinion.  Example, he was no fan of Luke Walton as a coach while eldest son Lonzo played for the Lakers.  He made his feelings known to the public on that subject.  He had little to say about the recently fired Alvin Gentry, as for Stan Van Gundy that might be a different matter.  Is there trouble on the horizon in the Crescent City ahead of the coach’s arrival?  You remember Marcin Gortat former NBA player, don’t you?  This is the tweet Gortat sent out,

 “Ball Sr. has to deal with Stan 😅 😬. Good Luck 👊 😜”

Sometimes folks who might only know you in passing have formulated an opinion regarding your personality.  Let us suppose LaVar is okay with the hire and if there are concerns about Van Gundy’s coaching, he will communicate it to the son rather than the media…we hope.   

This is different---To our knowledge John Calipari likely begins the recruiting process of talent in middle school, just joking folks however Kentucky Wildcat prospects usually arrive having played for only three coaches middle, high school, and AAU.  This time it’s different, for the first time in memory Coach Cal has two transfers who will begin play a few weeks from now.  Oliver Sarr 7-foot center from Wake Forest and Jacob Toppin 6-foot 8 forward (younger brother of Obi) from Rhode Island.   

Sarr was a double-digit scorer last season for Wake Forest while Toppin is considered a project. Kentucky won its usual 20+ games and would have been invited to the NCAA Tournament, we have no idea how far they might have advanced if not for covid.  As for the NBA Championship we might guess which team Coach Cal might have been rooting to win.  Despite the fact former Wildcat Rajon Rondo played for the Lakers the coach was likely rooting for the Heat with two of his former players Bam Adebayo and Tyler Herro.

No All-Star Game---With a compacted 72-game schedule for 2020-21 something had to go.  That something would appear to be the annual NBA All-Star Game, the game was scheduled for Indianapolis, but the reasoning for skipping it makes sense.  We are in the middle of a pandemic and it is likely it will remain with us through the time the All-Star Game would be played.  Can you imagine thousands of fans, players, and others in Bankers Life Arena, this would become a gigantic super-spreader of COVID-19?   

NBA teams failing to make the playoffs have not played competitive basketball since March, that would provide those teams almost 9 months off.  As for the playoff teams that was a different story, the Heat and Lakers played until October 12 so these teams and other playoff teams would have a shorter turnaround time.  A letter from a fan reading the same story wrote, “The Clippers rested more than anyone else so they good.”  A clear effort by the writer to point out Load Management, don't get upset with me I'm just the messenger.   

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

Bits n Pieces---We are reading all kinds of reports regarding LeBron James, these stories revolve around him “recruiting” players for the Lakers.  A number take issue with him concerning this, but I don’t.  Despite being the focal point of the offense and defense the game of basketball remains a team game.  Without teammates willing to sacrifice (as we just witnessed) you never or better yet hardly ever win anything.  LeBron “recruited” talent especially when he returned to Cleveland, as for the Lakers all I can say is keep it up I ain’t mad.

You might be unfamiliar with his name, it’s Jimmy Neutron.  Jimmy is a cartoon character developed by the Nickelodeon Channel, the full title was The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius.   Duncan Robinson Heat guard/forward bears no resemblance to the cartoon character however it was the Laker bench who placed the name before us.  The bench was taunting Robinson during the recent series referring to him as Jimmy Neutron when on the floor. 

As the calendar heads toward November a number of websites are reporting the same story.  Doesn’t matter which site is read all indicate LaMelo Ball will be the top pick on that date. The question remains will the Wolves make the move everyone is discussing?  Check back with me in 4 weeks, I remain skeptical if that is the case.  Ball will certainly be a lottery pick, as for going number one I’m not so sure.  James Wiseman, Anthony Edwards, Deni Avdija might be that pick or somebody else.  This has been mentioned in the past the 2020 draft is the most mysterious in several years regarding the top pick.  In any event you have an opportunity to laugh at me the evening of November 18. 

Can they accomplish the task in front of them?  We speak of the Baylor Bears, although Kansas basketball managed its usual stockpile of talent they are not favored in the Big-12 conference race.  Most pre-season polls indicate the top team will be Baylor, but I must state, prove it.  Scott Drew is a great coach and recruiter however there is a BUT.  His teams tend to flame out and sometimes fail to reach the heights many expect, is this the breakout year for the Bears?  We have no earthly idea. 

We are unsure how this came about, Louisville in the NBA.  No, there is no expansion rather its pandemic.  The Canadian-U.S. border is closed due to the pandemic, once baseball began play Buffalo NY became home for the Blue Jays rather than Toronto.  It appears a similar scenario will play out in 2021 for the Raptors.  They will play home games in Louisville (KY) rather than Toronto.  This has me confused, apparently Kansas City was not informed of this pending decision or might have declined we don't know.   

The hook shot---I’ve often wondered why players especially post players no longer favor the hook shot.  The shot is practically impossible to block, the only method is to push the opposing player out of position and hope the shot is missed.  Guarding a player in that manner often leads to a foul being called.  Lew Alcindor began shooting a hook shot in junior high school being taught by an assistant coach at the time.  He would carry this offensive weapon on to UCLA and into the NBA with the Bucks and later the Lakers. 

How did the term “Sky Hook” come into being, we owe that to former broadcaster Eddie Doucette?  Doucette stated back in those days we sat high above the action on the court unlike the broadcasters of today.  After Alcindor took the shot it appeared to be coming out of the sky.  Despite the shot becoming his go to weapon Kareem Abdul Jabbar had perfected the shot to magnificence.  Research indicates a player name Pranas Talzunas a Lithuanian American was the first to shoot it in a game.  In the 1937 Euro basketball championship it is recorded Talzunal scored a basket utilizing this never seen shot. 

As for others they claim Globetrotter Goose Tatum was the first.  His was certainly unorthodox as he would never look at the basket as he shot it.  In the late 1940’s George Mikan would use the shot aiding the Minneapolis Lakers to several successful winning seasons.  The hook shot was generally utilized by several centers over time, point guard Magic Johnson used it to great success in the 1987 NBA Championship.  His shot which he dubbed the junior, junior skyhook sealed the Laker victory over the Celtics.  So, there you have it the brief history of hook shot which like the bison is a thing of the past which few of today’s players used. 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

Bits n Pieces---We received the information regarding the NBA Draft on November 18.  It is what we expected, it will be on the order of the NFL draft.  Commissioner Silver will announce the first round from the ESPN Studios in Bristol Connecticut, the second round will be completed by Deputy Commissioner Mark Tatum.  We’ve been informed several of the drafted players will be available virtually. 

Can you believe Terrance Clark left $400,000 on the table?  Yes, that’s the reported figure the 6-foot 6-inch wing said, “thanks I’m going to head for Kentucky and John Calipari.” Clarke had an offer from the G-League to join Team Ignite comprised of outstanding high school talent.  Coach Cal obviously is going to get me ready (NBA) said Clark.”  I’m unsure if I would have passed on this if I’m 18-years old and basketball talented. 

The money payed is earned, it’s not stolen or misappropriated in any manner.  Our reference in this instance is the large sums of money most Division I schools pay their basketball coaches.  You know what is even more interesting, basketball falls in line behind football at most of these institutions?  What does that say, it simply states the whole system is out of whack.  Students graduating with huge student loans to repay, that ain’t right. 

He said it---We are reminded, LeBron James was asked the question a year ago.  Coming off a groin injury which sidelined him for 18 games in 2019 more than ever in his storied NBA career.  LeBron said, “If I am healthy, I’m playing” which was a dig at the Clippers and their load management of Kawhi Leonard and Paul George.  Doc Rivers said, “It’s our philosophy, I don’t know theirs (Lakers).  I think theirs is whatever LeBron says it is.” 

The 2019-20 season was different because there was a significant break in play.  From roughly early November through June at the end can amount to well over 100 games played.  The season is long and tiring for NBA players, despite this statement there is a belief by many the Clippers and Tyronn Lue must come to a meeting of the minds.  We shall see how this plays out for the Clippers in the 2021 season. 

Best Laker coaches---The success of the Lakers can be pointed toward the players.  Also, in the mix and a contributor to the success of the franchise is the number of coaches who were at the helm especially in leading them to championships.  Who are the All-Time Top coaches in Laker history?  This is my opinion so here goes:

Phil Jackson-5  

*John Kundla-5

Pat Riley-4 

Jerry West-0

Fred Schaus-0

Paul Westhead-1

Frank Vogel-1

Bill Sharman-1

*Minneapolis Lakers coach

There might be a question why I included the names of Schaus, West and Vogel in the number, neither won a championship and Vogel just won his first.  The first two upheld the Laker standard of play while they led the team and the 2020 win provided us proof Vogel knows what he is doing.  Head coach of the Lakers that first year in Los Angeles was Fred Schaus who was head coach from1960-67, Schaus compiled a .563 winning percentage.  West retired as a player in 1974, three years later he was named head coach and ran the team successfully until 1979, his Laker team made the playoffs each of those years, he compiled a .589 winning percentage.  As for Vogel I know what you are saying, “Vogel’s only got one championship he needs to do it more than one time to prove it was no fluke.”  Until someone proves him wrong its my belief Vogel was the coach for this team.  We don’t hear anybody claiming, “Jason Kidd should have been hired.”

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

M.I.A.---Mizzou’s past won-loss record saw them fail to be included in the Annual Big 12/SEC Challenge.  Although Mizzou didn’t play particularly well last season, they have been invited to participate in the 2021 challenge, the Tigers finally make the cut.  Texas Christian University will play the Tigers January 30.  As this is written the time is yet to be announced.  

We know this name---Unlike the Pacers we know the name now associated with the Pelicans.  Stan Van Gundy will be hired as head coach and will sign a 4-year contract.  I believe there are at least two in the media will criticize this hire believing it should have gone to a minority hire. 

September 2018---Was 2 years and several weeks ago from this mid October 2020 post, that was the date the Lakers and veteran Luol Deng agreed to a buyout.  What most of us are just now realizing a large sum of money owed Deng remains on the Lakers books.  The Lakers are now attempting to secure an injury exception for Deng, according to many the chances for success are certainly limited but worth the effort.  This gives us a thought the cash-strapped Lakers are attempting to free additional funds to sign prospective free agents.  We shall see how this plays out in Lakerland.  

“Is he the top pick?” --- The NBA draft is less than a month away, today a website claims “LaMelo Ball will be drafted number one.”  If that is the case the Wolves would add the youngest brother to their roster.  On the depth chart D’Angelo Russell is listed as the starter at the point, Malik Beasley is the shooting guard.  Ball is listed as a 6-foot 8 180-pound combo guard, the larger question will Ball dislodge either Russell or Beasley as a starter? 

One source claims the Wolves backcourt would be limited defensively should Russell and Ball play major minutes.  Performance on the court is number one, are you ready for question two, the LaVar Ball aspect.  As reported previously this Ball appears to place distance between himself and his father.  The first instance LaVar “excluding at least one team for his son and LaMelo indicating in essence “I’ll go anywhere the NBA plays.” 

Then LaMelo leaves the Big Baller Brand for Puma.  Puma was battling Nike, Adidas, Under Armour and other brands in the recent past, for unknown reasons the company decided to curtail its effort to sign NBA talent.  In any event last season Puma decided they would renounce this effort and begin signing shoe deals for several NBA players.  We are not expecting LaMelo to move completely from his father’s shadow, LaVar will continue to influence LaMelo, Lonzo and LiAngelo.  We see proof LaVar is not going to coerce LaMelo in the same manner as he’s done with son’s 1 and 2. 

How does this work---The seating capacity of the 5 largest college arenas in the nation are listed below?  If you note the college game is played is much larger arenas than most NBA arenas, our question becomes how does this seating capacity work in a pandemic?  As for the 5 largest areas:  

Carrier Dome, Syracuse 34,616

Rupp Arena, Kentucky 23,000

KFC Yum Center, Louisville 22,090

Dean Center, North Carolina 21,750

Thompson-Boling Center, Tennessee 21,678

Capital One Arena, Georgetown 20,356

Madison Square Garden, St. John’s 19,812

PNC Arena, NC State 19,722

The Schottenstein Center, Ohio State 19,500

Prudential Center, Seton Hall, 19,500

Will the administrations of these universities use criteria like the NFL?  The big difference the game is played indoors versus an outdoor football contest. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

“They hired who?” ---There is one less head coaching position open, on Tuesday the Pacers announced the hiring of Nate Bjorkgren.  Are you like me asking the question “They hired who?”  What’s the story on the newly selected coach, he’s served as an assistant on the staff of Nick Nurse Raptors coach?  Bjorkgren played college basketball but went undrafted by the NBA, he turned to coaching and was successful in the G-League winning a championship.  The new coach was an assistant with the Suns prior to Nurse adding him to the Raptors staff.  The Pacers finished last season with a 45-28 record so Bjorkgren’s got a good team that can only improve if the right moves are made.  Good luck Coach Bjorkgren next season. 

2011--- Was 9 years ago, Chris Paul was 26 years old then.  Paul is 35 now, the time has been good for Paul despite playing for 3 times.  If you remember the history in 2011 the Lakers made a trade acquiring Paul from the Pelicans (Hornets).  David Stern then NBA commissioner voided the trade in his words “In the best interest of the NBA.”  We fast forward to 2020 and a report of Paul’s friend LeBron James. 

It’s reported LeBron would like to turn over a portion of his point guard responsibilities to Paul.  On the surface the prospect of Paul joining this championship Laker squad sounds exhilarating.  The downsize, what must the Lakers surrender to acquire Paul, the salary issues could be worked out.  This Laker Nation remember is looking 2-3 years beyond when LeBron and others are history.  We certainly have no idea of free agency however we could look toward drafting and developing talent. 

Do you remember---Felipe Lopez appeared to have all the tools for a successful NBA career.  LeBron James did but so did Lopez, i.e. appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated while in high school.  Born in the Dominican Republic his parents emigrated to this country when Lopez was 14-years old.  This 6-foot 5-inch shooting guard became a New York City sensation playing at Rice High School in Harlem (NY). 

Lopez would later become a McDonald’s All American and had his choice of schools to attend, he would remain home choosing to play for St. John’s University.  The choice to remain home proved successful, Lopez was productive during his four years at St. John’s, Lopez was made the number 24 pick in the first round of the 1998 NBA Draft, the Grizzlies located in Vancouver chose him to lead the franchise and that’s where his basketball career began to slow.  The NBA game proved more difficult; he was never able to gain any traction. 

Lopez was gone after 4 years and two NBA teams, he continued to play for several teams throughout the Caribbean, but his NBA dreams became just that…dreams.  Did New York hype build him up to be more talented than he was, we cannot answer that question?  Despite a lackluster NBA career Lopez enjoys life, an account surfaced a few years ago indicating the 45-year old Lopez travels back and forth between the U.S. and the Dominican.  He gives back to the people from whence he came, outstanding on his part. 

Bits n Pieces---You got em both on the floor, standing 6’ 10” and 6’ 11”.  I don’t know what everyone else is pretending to look at, but I don’t know who is going to stop them...”  This is a tweet from former NBA player Gilbert Arenas sent August 2019.  He was commenting on the arrival of Anthony Davis to the Laker lineup joining LeBron James.  This is the counter to LaVar Ball’s prediction claiming the Lakers would never win a championship after trading son Lonzo.    

Former Celtic great Bill Russell has 11 championship rings won during his NBA career; did you realize there is an individual with more rings than Russell?  Phil Jackson won 2 rings in 1970 and 1973 while a member of the Knicks.  He would win an additional 11 rings while head coach of the Bulls and Lakers.      

We are entitled to our opinions, not our own history.  You would be amazed, on the other hand perhaps not.  The number of letter writers providing us their opinion over the facts, I know I’ve made errors however they have been errors of omission rather than commission. 

Actor, comedian Michael Rapaport is a life-long Knicks fan, despite this fact he was recently interviewed on one of the sports talk programs discussing the NBA.  Once the discussion moved to Doc Rivers and the Sixers Rapaport said, “He (Doc) is now Glenn there can be only one Doc in Philadelphia.”  Of course, he was referencing Hall of Fame forward Julius “Doctor J.” Erving. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

It should be noted---Perhaps you forgot as I did, the Thunder roster once contained Russell Westbrook, Kevin Durant, and James Hardin.  Was it GM Sam Presti or someone else that wisely drafted the three athletes mentioned?  Westbrook and Durant received most of the minutes on the court while Hardin served as the 6th man.  The three were teammates until 2012 when Hardin was traded to the Rockets, four years later Durant left in free agency for the Warriors. 

July 2019 saw Westbrook traded as well; he joined former teammate Hardin with the Rockets.  As for Hardin he was traded in 2012 due to his belief he was underpaid and could not reach a satisfactory agreement with the team.  Durant and Westbrook leaving is somewhat murky, perhaps Durant wanted an opportunity to win a championship which was accomplished.  As for Westbrook he likely wore out his welcome in Oklahoma City.   

Publishing dates---The pandemic has changed the basketball landscape in a manner like never in history.  The NBA season in two parts is now complete as we enter late October.  College and high school basketball are scheduled, I repeat scheduled to begin next month.  The NBA and amateur game seasons are aligned more closely than what has and will occur.  By our estimate Words eye view is 85% NBA with the balance of news divided between college, high school, and other accounts.  Based on this change the publishing schedule will be revised.  Beginning November 26 published dates will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.   

You don’t know him---But neither do I and there is a clear reason why he’s an unknown.  Iowa State finished last season 12-20 in the Big 12, with no post season tournament the Cyclones season ended abruptly.  Tyrese Haliburton will be a lottery pick November 18, he’s a 6-foot 5-inch 170-pound point guard.  With his team suffering a losing record it’s understandable why most of us (including me) knew little about him.  The numbers indicate Haliburton’s freshman year was below average however he managed to improve his numbers significantly.  Scouts appear to believe Haliburton is ready for the NBA, check him out.   

I missed on this one---If you don’t remember I do, I believed given a choice between Dwight Howard and Joakim Noah I said Noah.  Neither would be the focus of the offense however it was my belief the Lakers might receive more mileage from Noah besides Howard’s time in Los Angeles the last time playing with Kobe Bryant was not good.  Well Howard proved me wrong, in addition we discover he signed the type of contract the Lakers could have cut him at any point.  Fast forward to the NBA Championship and his one-year contract which is now about to expire. 

Howard is one of the pending free agent names on the lips of several teams which is interesting.  If you remember prior to last season Howard was the player nobody wanted.  After leaving the Lakers the first time Howard’s been on an extended tour of the NBA, first it was the Rockets then Hawks and then Hornets and Wizards.  Howard was traded to the Grizzlies who WAIVED him thus allowing the Lakers to sign him.  If the Warriors or some other team signs Howard so be it however his NBA odyssey has been interesting to this point. 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

Best…maybe---It’s my contention the Lakers NBA Championship win total is the barometer of success in the league.  I know many of you are going to point out they are tied with the Celtics who also have 17 championships but consider this bit of information.   13 of the 17 Celtics Championships occurred prior to 1976, since that period the Celtics have only added 4 to their number.   If we check the Lakers, they have won 11 championships since 1980 including 2020 the most recent. 

Celtic fans will begin sending me emails pointing out my lack of a brain however the numbers and history speak for themselves.  The Celtics remain a storied and much valued NBA franchise however they come in second place.  I must add second place despite beating the Lakers so often in the Bill Russell-Elgin Baylor/Jerry West era.  A major portion of the Laker success is acquiring skill players whether through the draft early and in this later era free agency.  In addition, there was a hiccup period regarding the team’s front office, poor decisions led to a drought in wins and playoff appearances.  That scenario appears to be a thing of the past now, although Magic Johnson left the front office it appears GM Rob Pelinka had a baptism of fire forced on him and is on the right track. 

We now arrive at the door of Laker owner Jeannie Buss; she was correct in firing her brother.  All the degradation suffered by the franchise was not his fault, but Jim Buss did a terrible job of running the team after his father passed.  What’s next you might ask, those in Laker Nation have no clue?  This we believe will occur; the Laker brand will continue to play outstanding basketball after LeBron is retired. 

It’s up in the air---Despite the 2019-20 season being completed there are pending questions for the future, we are looking ahead to the 2020-21 season.  There are other key questions chief among them being when the season might begin, it appears that will be January 2021 with a yet to be announced day.  This is in no order just random events remaining to be considered, we have free agency.  When does it start and at what point will it end? In addition will there be Summer League play and if so, will play be held in Las Vegas or The Bubble? 

We certainly are in no position to make that decision it appears Orlando might be best.  Many NFL stadiums are allowing fans based on local ordinances, might the NBA adopt a similar policy for fans to attend games again.  Despite the positives allowing us to witness a successful conclusion COVID will continue to impact the NBA along with other amateur and professional athletic proceedings.  The belief is NBA heads will discuss these and other issues over the next several months and plan a process to return to normal pending COVID. 

How come we are not surprised---Oregon’s Dana Altman did it again, this west coast guy managed a commitment from an east coast talent.  Franck Kepnang verbally committed to attend Oregon in the fall, Kepnang from Westtown Pennsylvania had offers from 21 schools.  Among those offering scholarships was Kansas, Illinois, UConn, and Syracuse to name just a few. 

Kepnang is a 6-foot 11-inch center who packs 225 pounds on his frame, more than likely he will spend time in the weight room.  Gaining bulk without impacting his quickness might be key to further development for the youngster, Kepnang is from the Central African nation of Cameroon.  Kepnang joins Nate Biddle (6-11) and Johnathan Lawson (6-6) in the frontcourt for the Ducks.  Biddle will join Kepnang in the weight room with only 175 pounds on his 6-11 frame.  All three young men are 4-star prospects in the Class of 2021.   

We get it---The social activism of many NBA players is bothersome to many, we get it.  This effort will continue, it’s not to cease just because it is offensive to you.  You want us to know it seems daily how offensive this activism is, even more interesting you post your views on almost any story or account involving the NBA.  Please answer a question for us, if you post your view on a website selling NBA merchandise does it impact sales?   

Rest assured many of us understand, you have issues with this effort.  You desire athletes to just be athletes and that’s okay too however you must consider one factor your continued letters will not cause social activism to cease.  Either become accustom to it or find yourself another sport of focus.  That might sound harsh and that is certainly not the intent, a rock rolling down a hill picks up other rocks and so forth and so on.  Eventually you have an avalanche which is difficult to stop.