Sunday, October 11, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

Before I begin---This assessment of Game 5 allow this brief explanation, I am not an expert, in addition television performs an incredible picture however there are times we are unable to see the entire floor.  We are sometimes unable to witness the defense on a particular player.  With the disclaimer out of the way allow this brief explanation.  Whatever occurs there are 3 Lakers I hope seek employment elsewhere.  We begin with Markieff Morris, the so-called tough guy.  Morris was sorely lacking offensively, defensively and committed a huge turnover at a crucial point. 

Snatching a rebound rather than taking the shot he attempted a pass to LeBron near the basket which was intercepted.   Danny Green with a straight on wide open 3-point shot and he missed it, Green was supposed to have a championship pedigree based on his time with the Spurs and Raptors.  LeBron grabbed a rebound and passed the ball to Green, maybe he should have taken the shot.  Finally, we arrive with Kyle Kuzma, he might be the most disappointing of the trio.  It seemed he missed shot after shot and his defense was questionable.  I have refused to listen to the howling from fellow Laker fans all season long regarding Kuzma.  They have demanded he be traded, and I can no longer defend him. 

This is a developing story---Wichita State Coach Gregg Marshall is under scrutiny by the university.  A former player claimed the coach once punched him; another report indicates an assistant coach was choked by Marshall.  All this comes to light after 6 players transferred from the school.  As this is a developing story, we must consider this investigation is not complete having just begun.  We must wait for the investigation to be completed by the university.  Marshall has been solely responsible for revising the basketball program, Wichita State ranks second in the mind of the Kansas faithful, the University of Kansas is first.  This is certainly not good news for those associated with Wichita State.   

Chris Paul---The law of diminishing returns, also referred to as the law of diminishing marginal returns, state that in a production process, as one input variable is increased, there will be a point at which the marginal per unit output will start to decrease.”  Have we reach that point with 35-year old Chris Paul might be the question, at least two NBA teams are attempting to secure him in trade?  They must trade for Paul because the talented PG is under contract for two more years. 

Do you trade a young talent and a draft choice for Paul becomes the question?  The marginal return (assists plus team scoring) will increase, eventually the per unit output (by the 35-year old Paul) will begin to decrease.  I know several in reading this will ask the question why am I applying an economic term to an NBA trade?  In this instance I believe the circumstances of a proposed trade fall within the parameters of this discussion.

He can hoop---Jimmy Butler is with his 4th NBA team, that might indicate he’s a problem athlete.  That might be just the opposite, Butler wants to win so badly teammates often have difficulty playing up to the level he believes they are capable of.  The Bulls are a question mark, we cannot speak to any issue while Butler was a member of the Bulls.  As for the other teams that’s a different story, Butler made it known he questioned the work ethic of Karl-Anthony Towns and Andrew Wiggins while a member of the Wolves. 

Next up was the Sixers and this issue reared its ugly head once again, this time it was Joel Embiid and Ben Simmons.  He never said they couldn’t play the problem once again they failed to play to his level.  It’s my belief he’s found a “home” with the Heat.  They are a hungry bunch of talented athletes; they might not have reached the talent level of the Lakers, but boy can these Heat play.  Jimmy Butler from East Texas has made it, not to elite level but to a guy who won’t tolerate teammates who refuse to play to his level. 

No cakewalk---The Clippers should prepare themselves for battle next season, if they believed the Western Conference was strong in 2019-20 just wait till next season it will be even stronger.  First up we have the defending conference champion Lakers and even with LeBron a year older we know what they can accomplish if healthy and motivated.  The Nuggets made a believer out of us as a tough competitive squad.  

Jamal Murray plus the Joker along with Michael Porter Jr. will allow the Nuggets to field a competitive squad next season.  Klay Thompson is reported healthy and the other Warriors appear ready to compete again.  They won’t prove the point key injuries forced them into a basement finish in the west.  They are others the playoff Jazz and Blazers will also field competitive squads.  Finally, we come upon the Clippers who will also be competitive next season.  Yes, sir the Western Conference will be a battle royal next season for playoff berths baring injuries to key players. 

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