Monday, October 12, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

Game 6---The final score read Lakers 106 Heat 93, if you were unable to view the game, you’re thought might be “That was only a 13-point win, that wasn’t so bad.”  The Laker second quarter was a thing of beauty as they outscored the Heat 36-16.  The Lakers held a 64-36 lead at the half slowed a bit in the third quarter but continued to maintain the lead.  

Once the game reached the fourth quarter the Lakers eased up and coasted a bit, they only scored 19 points to the Heat’s 35.  The blowout was a product of Laker defense as much as it was the offense, we cannot say enough about the lockdown effort by this team.  LeBron James and Anthony Davis led the way however kudos must be tossed in the direction of Rajon Rondo and KCP who both played outstanding games.  A salute to head coach Frank Vogel, many in Laker Nation screamed loudly at the time Vogel was hired.     

They went a whole nothing direction---The broadcast careers of James Brown and Ahmad Rashad have gone opposite of the sports they are most familiar with.  Brown or JB has long been associated with the NFL especially on the CBS Network.  JB playing at Harvard was All Ivy League for three seasons, failing to make the Atlanta Hawks roster he moved into the corporate world for a time.  From there JB began a broadcast career with a focus on the NFL a sport he never played. 

Ahmad Rashard then known as Bobby Moore enjoyed an outstanding career as a wide receiver at Oregon.  As for the NFL Rashad earned a spot as an All Pro four years, he played for 3 NFL teams during his career.  After football he became a broadcaster covering all major sports, but it was the NBA he became most associated with.  Sideline reporting early in his career and later hosting Inside Stuff for 16 seasons a program focusing on the NBA.  He also served as co-host of NBA Access with Ahmad Rashad.  Just a brief glance at two athletes turned broadcasters who report on sports they never played at the professional level. 

Not me nor anyone associated with me---I made it known yesterday I was upset with Danny Green missing what I believe was a winnable shot in Game 5.  I even went so far as to say I would have no problem with seeing him on another team next season.  My ire only goes so far, on Sunday we read his fiancée received death threats after the game concluded.  I’m reminded the definition of fan; it’s derived from fanatic. 

Fanatic describes me and many I’m associated with regarding their sports teams.  It does not extend to this depth; we all need to chill it’s only a game.  Only an idiotic person or persons would make a game out to be a life event, no one will be caught let alone prosecuted for this offense.  In closing keep in mind this is just a game, the sun will rise in the east and set in the west.  Nothing will change except one team will be declare a winner. 

Turn the corner---Other than Ryan Mutombo who arrives on campus next season we have no idea how Georgetown basketball will turn out this upcoming season.  There will be pressure for Ryan playing in the shadow of Dikembe Mutombo, but this is account is about neither father nor son.  This focus is Coach Patrick Ewing, now entering his 4th season at the helm is this a turnaround point for the program. 

We told the story Ewing wanted to coach badly more likely in the NBA.  Ewing paid his dues serving as an assistant at several NBA stops prior to the Georgetown hire.  A new coach always require a period to establish their program, the length of time depends on variable factors.  Students, the athletic department, and fans of Georgetown certainly hope this is the breakout season.  NOTE:  Besides Mutombo the Hoyas also have Jordan Riley a 6-foot 4-inch combo guard and several others arriving in 2021. 

Climate Pledge Arena---The re-build formerly known as Key Arena in Seattle is progressing quite nicely.  If you remember this building under its former name once served as home to the Sonics of the NBA, this time the refurbishment is about NHL hockey.  The Kraken will begin play in the Climate Pledge Arena in the 2021-22 NHL season. Question, can the NBA be extremely far behind in returning to Seattle?  Once finished the arena will accommodate 18,600 for basketball which exceeds the previous number.  For hockey 17,400 fans can attend NHL games which is a larger number over its previous total.   

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