Monday, October 26, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

Published Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday

What’s the deal---Is it social media, the internet or something else that’s caused this?  In this instance we speak of former NBA players coming out of the background giving us their view on countless numbers of NBA issues.  We expect those working in the media to voice opinions but among many we hear from them because they played the game.  Are there words more important from a former star player over a 12th man, probably?   

Don’t get me wrong all have the right to express their views, but I grow tired of listening to many.  “We did it better, we did it longer, we had this, we had that.”  I love the game as it is, sure it’s changed over the years, but I have changed with it.  I have no desire to read how many points Tracy McGrady could score in today’s NBA.  The second piece is the constant back and forth who is/was the greatest ever.  Over the years we’ve witnessed several All-Time skillful great players, you do what you do, I have no intention to participate in this exercise any longer. 

Bring on your rage---This is a developing story; many Kansas basketball fans will be offended by this account.  The world fails to start and stop with the school’s fortunes, allow a brief explanation.  As most of you might be aware the Canadian pro sports teams with U.S. ties cannot cross the closed border between the two nations.  This is a result of COVID-19 continuing to impact the nation.  Baseball and hockey have found temporary homes in the U.S., what about the NBA you ask? 

Louisville is mentioned as a temporary home for the Toronto Raptors, Kansas City MO is tardy to the party but intends to join the bidding.  Once Mayor Lucas made his announcement several responses came in along these lines.  “Won’t having an NBA team here hurt Kansas basketball?”   With Lawrence some 50 miles from the KC Metro rest assured a significant number probably attend Kansas games.  The Kansas City Kings never sat any attendance records while the city was home for them.  This is a different time however I doubt from 1972-1985 if attendance at Kansas games was impacted by the Kings.  My belief and mine alone I seriously doubt if this is a real issue, sorry Jayhawk fans.   

The remainder---We are down to the Rockets and Thunder; they are the last two NBA teams yet to name a head coach.  With only two remaining we can explore the names who might be under consideration. 

Jeff Van Gundy-former NBA coach and current ESPN/ABC analyst

David Vanderpool-associate head coach Wolves

Wes Unseld Jr.-assistant coach Nuggets

Stephen Silas-assistant coach Mavs

John Lucas-former NBA player and coach 

Mike Brown-assistant coach Warriors

The hire at Indiana caught most of us off guard, although Nate Bjorkgren was on the staff of Nick Nurse at Toronto most of us were unfamiliar with his name.    

“I ain’t getting on no time machine!” ---There is a proposed hyperloop on the drawing board, built alongside I-70 this tube system would take a traveler from Kansas City to St. Louis in about 30 minutes.  Present day auto traffic between the two metros is about a 4-hour drive.  I’m extremely claustrophobic, it’s bad enough for me to fly ‘sealed” inside an airliner flying at 30,000 feet in the air.  Marvin “Bad News” Barnes was an extremely talented basketball player, he was also extremely troubled.  One incident after another would lead to trouble for him, while in high school he robbed a local grocery store.  Standing 6 foot 9 and with a jersey with your name on the back its easy to understand why the police caught him. 

Despite off the court problems he managed to play college ball at Providence and later in the ABA for the Spirits of St. Louis.  Remember we stated earlier he wasn’t all there mentally at times; his team had played in Louisville and was preparing to return to St. Louis. The team informed Barnes they would leave at 8:00 p.m. and arrive in St. Louis at 7:56. How can you land before you leave, he must have asked, someone explained to him the time zones.  Louisville (at that time being Eastern and St. Louis Central Time), how come St. Louis is an hour behind the city they are leaving.  Barnes informs the team to cancel his ticket and indicated he would drive to St. Louis.  “I ain’t getting’ on no time machine.”  There is no method to verify if the story is true, based on Barnes history it certainly sounds plausible.  As for me if it’s ever built I ain’t getting’ on no hyperloop. 

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