Friday, November 30, 2012

Bits n Pieces is claiming the NBA would like the Kings sold to a Seattle group. Really makes sense, the Magoof’s---opps Maloof’s appear to be financially strapped at this point.

He’s only 28-years old but Adam Morrison’s NBA career appears to be over. He arrived from Gonzaga with such promise but a knee injury might have been key to derailing his career. The Blazers might have been his last opportunity to latch on to an NBA team.

How come Mizzou drops in the polls after losing to Louisville at a time the Cardinals were the number 2 team in the nation.  I guess losing to a top 5 team counts more than another.  Top 25 doesn’t amount too much except bragging rights.

This is interesting; we all know the NFL is king in producing revenue. I’ve always been unsure where the NBA stood in relation to baseball. I cannot verify these figures however if they are close to factual it would indicate the NBA might actually rank above baseball based on the number of games. Baseball is reported to produce $7.1 billion in 162 games while the NBA is at $4.1 billion in 82 games.

Another high school freshman you should note. He’s a 6-6 180 pound shooting guard named V. J. King. King is from Akron (OH) and attends St Vincent-St Mary High School. If the school sounds familiar it should, it’s the high school LeBron James attended.

Kareem Abdul Jabbar finally has his statue; perhaps this gesture by the Lakers will soothe the hurt feelings often expressed by Kareem over the last several years.

Speaking of the Lakers their fans have grow accustom to centers unable to shoot free throws at an acceptable rate. We could go way back to Wilt Chamberlain but can begin much later with Shaquille O’ Neal. It was Don Nelson coaching the Bucks who first began Hack-a-Shaq. Fouling Shaq during close games forcing him to the free-throw line. Fast forward to present day, someone must have left a door open at Staples; Dwight Howard shot an air-ball free throw against the Nets during their recent game.   

“You win some you lose some”
I’m unsure who first uttered the above phrase; we must guess it simply states games you should win you sometimes lose. It’s early in the collegiate season teams are yet to begin conference play, they are adjusting to new teammates maybe a new playbook. With that said I tuned into the Cal-Poly-UCLA game at Pauley Pavilion. I didn’t stay with the game in fact I left it near half-time to view another game. Logic dictates UCLA at home against Cal-Poly you mark that one in the win column. The following morning checking scores I was shocked, UCLA lost the game 70-68. I admit I haven’t seen enough of UCLA to pass judgment but with them like Duke, Kentucky and North Carolina you expect the best. Perhaps those of you who follow UCLA closer than me can identify some of the problems.

I have questions
I try not to get inside the mind of any coach, most deal with issues I would not comprehend. With that allow me to discuss Greg Popovich briefly. For years I’ve heard stories on why he’s such a great coach. He might be a great coach but his coaching style is strange at times. I noticed last year Spurs starters were missing in action on occasion. The players weren’t injured or absent Coach Pop just chose to “rest” them. Last season the Spurs roared out of the starting blocks as if to win the NBA Championship. I thought “the rested Spurs players would be ready for the playoffs.” Rest or not they were no match for the Thunder and lost their playoff series. This year Coach Pop did the resting thing but it might cost this time. Tim Duncan, Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili plus Gerald Green were in San Antonio, the balance of the team in Miami. Commissioner Stern issued a terse statement regarding Coach Pop’s actions. Can you say a large fine maybe?  I borrow this from another, "could you imagine Pat Riley sitting down Kareem, Magic or Worthy?  How bout the Celtics of Bird, McHale and Parrish?"  Defenders of Popovich claim it's his decision to manage the team as he feels appropriate.  I say Hell no, this ain't playground basketball you cannot make up rules based on your scheduling issues.