Friday, November 2, 2012


Notice the headline is in bold print and upper case letters. This is serious, after the Wednesday night loss the Lakers are 0-2. Panic runs amok in Lakerland, "fire Mike Brown; bench Pau Gasol or somebody.  They need to trade Blake or Duhon and insert 2nd year man Darius Morris."  I hope you realize I'm not serious, am I concerned?  Of course I am however this new and improved Laker team is a work in progress!  If this appears an excuse so be it.  I see several reasons for the slow start.  A new offense (Princeton).  In addition there are 7 players (2) starters who wore another NBA or college jersey last year.  The bench lacks continuity at this point.  IF there is no change by the middle to late November it is time for adjustments.  Laker fans don't allow sports media types to lure you into believing "the sky is falling."  

I’ve had a problem with him for years
Friends are aware I’ve had a long-time feud with Jason Whitlock of Fox I’m well pleased somebody finally called him out, he’s skated by long enough. Hope the link below works for you.

Bits n Pieces
I was pleased Mizzou's Kim English a 2nd round draft choice gained a roster spot with the Pistons.  I didn't subscribe to NBA League Pass so I guess it's box scores for me.  Thomas Robinson secured a roster spot with the Kings as did Tyshawn Taylor with the Nets. You might remember both played at Kansas last year,

It was only an exhibition game but I was anxious to see Mizzou game against Northwest Missouri State. I like transfers Keion Bell, Earnest Ross and Alex Oriakhi. Good to see Laurence Bowers back on the court again, the 6-9 Bowers was injured all last season.

Is Delonte West NBA history? He was suspended twice during training camp. The Mavs have now released him and he’s attempting to latch on with another team.

No guarantee he remains all-season but “Mr. Irrelevant” Robert Sacre made the cut. Center Sacre the 60th and last player drafted in the 2012 NBA Draft gained a spot on the Lakers roster.

“One game fails to make a season.” New Rocket James Harden made quite a splash in his debut. 37 points, 12 assists and 6 rebounds---the Thunder might “fear the beard” now.

Interesting observation from him
Mavs owner Mark Cuban is not the person we perceive. Despite what he desires us to think he’s just as envious as the next person. Wednesdays headline read; “Cuban hopes Lakers will suck.” Of course he clarifies the statement by saying “and every other team.” He goes on to repeat his earlier statements about the Lakers acquiring Karl Malone and Gary Payton and the lack of success. I guess he should feel vindicated since his Mavs beat my Lakers.  "You should be real careful wishing ill on someone (or something); it just might come back and bite you in the butt!”