Monday, October 5, 2015

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

I can speculate with the best of ‘em
With no direct knowledge of the subject we are often prone to believe the rumors we often read and hear. That’s the case with the latest Kevin Durant story circulating; despite the injuries Kevin Durant is still considered a talented athlete. When Durant was questioned about Oklahoma he indicated “he was content in Oklahoma City.” A year or so later came word he might possibly head for Washington D.C. once he became a free agent. Durant grew up in nearby Maryland in addition John Wall indicated “he was going to recruit Durant.” As I indicated its all speculation at this point we really have no idea where he’s headed. Now reports are circulating he’s talking Los Angeles Lakers.

I refuse to get excited until the words come out of Durant’s mouth; “I’m a Laker.” Come July 2016 there is no doubt Durant will be the most highly sought free agent in the pool. Whether this is Kobe’s last season or 2016 he would become the top dog for a young Laker team. As for other potential free agents LeBron James is not leaving Cleveland and I don’t want Dwight Howard. NOTE: Before I could publish this story it was disputed by the subject. Speaking to an Oklahoma City reporter Kevin Durant said; “I don’t talk to Stephen A. Smith at all. No one in my family, my friends do. So he’s lying.” See you thought it was just me that had a problem with Smith.

He’s upset
This is actually part II of the above due to the response by Stephen A. Smith. He took to twitter to defend his story on Kevin Durant, he took offense to Kevin Durant referring to him as a liar. I didn’t realize when I wrote the story Smith was the basis for “The Kevin Durant to the Lakers story.” In any event Smith defends his story by stating it comes from reliable sources. It’s been mentioned previously we live in a far different age, the lines have become blurred between social networks, entertainment and reporting the news. Today they write or report what they believe to be the truth often using that old tired statement; “reliable sources.”

Just who are they when you cannot name the source, how do we know the information you are reporting to be the truth? Sports news is certainly not on the level of a Watergate Deep Throat scenario. Opinions are a whole different matter Smith (and anyone else) is entitled to their opinion even if I don’t agree with it. At the same time if someone were to make a statement about me I felt untrue I should be able to respond with being criticized for it. I say baloney to Smith‘s reporting, on the other hand there is ample time for Durant to change his mind between now and July 1, 2016.

Something to prove
A number of athletes in the NBA have something to prove in the upcoming season. Likely at the top of your list and mine is Ty Lawson. If you check the numbers this 5-11 point guard is outstanding, 15.2 and 9.6 points and assists a game. Caught drunk driving twice might be the basis for his trade from the Nuggets to the Rockets. Early reports are Lawson might come off the bench to relive starter Patrick Beverly.

If Lawson can avoid the problems that plagued him while a member of the Nuggets it’s my belief he excels over Beverly in every area except defense. That’s not to say Lawson is a bad defensive player he’s slightly below Beverly in my view. All other areas of the game he trumps Beverly. Hopefully he will provide the Rockets the additional spark needed to play for the Western Division Championship.

The truth
We’ve heard a number of stories over the summer regarding the Knicks Carmelo Anthony. The first reports stated “Anthony was upset with the pick of Kristaps Porzingis and other Knick draft picks.” Later came word Anthony claiming he made no such statement and went on to express a positive view of the 2015-16 Knicks. Training camp’s open and Anthony is all smiles, it’s reported he’s gone out of his way to help those new to the team.

Anthony is making claims the team will compete and I don’t doubt his words. New York is still the media capital of the nation; all the major networks including ESPN are located but a few drive-time hours apart. Despite the views of Stephen A. Smith and others I believe the Knicks will be improved this upcoming season. It would be foolish to view them as playoff contenders even in the weak Eastern Conference.