Monday, October 12, 2015

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

The NBA world-wide
I like the fact NBA basketball has gained a world-wide following over the last 20+ years. This explosion has resulted in a record number of international players coming into the NBA. The problem---former Commissioner David Stern’s belief the league should expand internationally. My issue has always been the same the time difference between Europe, Asia and the U.S. Since Stern has retired expansion has been moved to the back burner of the stove.

Adam Silver addressed the issue while in Madrid recently and states; “I don’t believe its going to happen in the near future but it could occur one day.” A space shuttle type vehicle due to the distance and time change is required. I could see the possibility of a development of this type changing the view of international expansion. The jet age has certainly shrunk world travel over the last 30 or 40 years however it’s no where near what it must be to sustain Stern’s vision of a Euro NBA.

The difference
Kobe Bryant is entering his 20th NBA season and just turned 37 in August. Tim Duncan will turn 40 before the 2015-16 is complete, this will be year 18 in the NBA for him. Everyone from the elderly to youngsters has said in unison “Kobe needs to retire.” Interesting we hear few folks making that type of statement regarding Tim Duncan. The difference between the two Duncan can dial back his game. Duncan has never been the focal point of the Spurs offense unlike Kobe Bryant. We know what the Spurs center will do can Kobe adjust his game in a similar manner to Duncan? We’ll soon find out once the season begins.

Is he under more pressure?
The question looms in front of us, which NBA coach is under the most pressure to win? Is it David Blatt with the Cavs or perhaps Steve Kerr defending a championship? It’s certainly not Gregg Popovich the Spurs coach is never under any pressure. There are others but I hope you see the picture here. It’s my belief the greatest pressure must be on Billy Donovan with the Thunder. They may not be a championship team yet but they are a good team. The Thunder barely missed the playoffs last season (45-37) yet finished with a better record than three Eastern Conference teams who did make the playoffs.

The Western Conference is substantially tougher than the East in addition the injuries the injuries. The Thunder may have suffered more injuries to key players than any other team in the NBA. Kevin Durant is coming off an injury plagued season but will be a free-agent in 2016. Serge Ibaka and Russell Westbrook were in and out of the lineup at points during the season. Despite the injury bug that struck the Thunder they still barely missed the playoffs. Donovan is an excellent college basketball coach, will the Thunder adapt to the changes he’s likely to bring with him. This and other questions soon will be answered as we approach the 2015-16 NBA season.

Hall of Fame honors
USA Today posed an interesting question---”Should Hall of Fame stop inducting active coaches.” I didn’t read the article but wondered if it was prompted by the recent actions of the NCAA toward Larry Brown. I’ve always believed hall of fame honors should be reserved for coaches or players no longer active. For reasons I’ve never fully understood basketball players must wait I believe 5 years after retirement yet coaches can be enshrined at any point.

To my knowledge there is no explanation for the double-standard that says coaches can be honored as soon as they are nominated while players must endure a waiting period. It’s not just Brown, Rick Pitino, John Calipari and Roy Williams are all in the Naismith Hall of Fame. Kevin McHale’s situation is different from the others; he was honored as a player and later became an NBA coach. I’m sure there are others I’ve overlooked but the aforementioned all in the hall and continue coaching.