Friday, October 9, 2015

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

Who was first?
I don’t remember the date, almost immediately after the NBA Draft and free-agency I said; “The Knicks will be better.” I made this statement despite the bombastic angry outbursts of one Stephen A. Smith about “his Knicks.” He informed all of us how upset he was with the Knicks and the moves the front office made. His indignation appeared aimed at President Phil Jackson more than Coach Derek Fisher. Well change is in the air, on October 8th about 11:40 a.m. on ESPN’s First Take I heard these words fall from the lips of Smith; “The Knicks will be improved.” Then I got up off the floor because the admission by Smith caused me to fall out of my chair. The unbelievable had occurred, Stephen A. Smith admitting he may have been wrong about something.

They face the same issue
Kansas freshman Cheick Diallo is yet to be declared eligible by the NCAA Clearinghouse. Despite the delay Diallao is practicing with his teammates. Kentucky faces the very same issue with 6-11 freshmen Skal Labissiere. A number question how both could be enrolled in school for nearly two months and have received no NCAA clearance to play.

They got his back
I’ve read a number of emails defending Stephen A. Smith and his comments regarding Kevin Durant. They point out that Smith never stated he’d talked to Durant. They also have stated Smith said he’d heard individuals discuss the possibility of Durant heading west. They also state he said nothing about Durant heading to the Lakers just that he was headed for Los Angeles which could be the Clippers. I understand their defense of Smith if the statements attributed to him are correct. I assert the conviction there is no excuse for any member of the media to threaten anyone unless they believe they are in danger.

I don’t believe that was the case with the Durant-Smith feud. On the other hand it’s perfectly okay for Smith to call for firing football coach Charley Strong based on his conviction alone. Strong made a negative statement defending himself he might be subject to the ranting and raving of Smith. President Harry Truman once made a statement that’s become a classic. Whether he first made the quote is unknown but it’s attributed to him; “If you can’t stand the heat you need to get out of the kitchen.” It’s clear the “heat” of Durant’s comment offended Smith.

Bit n Pieces
Is this the new improved version of Nick Young? On the eve of training camp Laker Nick Young being interviewed wanted the world to know. He said he no longer wants the nickname Swaggy P used any longer. He says “just call me Nicholas,’ come on he can’t be serious---can he?

I’m shocked; Dick Vitale the friend of “everybody” came down hard on Coach Larry Brown. Read it for yourself on’s college basketball page and draw your own conclusions. I stated earlier three writers who cover college basketball have called for Brown to be ousted. Vitale is different for several reasons, he is a member of the sports media but this former coach takes it one step further. Vitale states after 3 schools are placed on probation (UCLA, Kansas and SMU) Brown should be banned from coaching college basketball-----a mighty strong and perhaps surprising response from Dickey V.

Are the legs gone, or did “half-man half amazing” Vince Carter simply blow a tire? The 6-6 Carter became a legend when he dunked over 7-2 Frederic Weis in the 2000 Olympics. Now playing for the Grizzlies in a recent pre-season game Carter missed a dunk when he was blocked by the rim, he couldn’t get the ball over the rim.

Baylor’s Scott Drew is a good basketball coach; he turns out winning teams every season. This upcoming season his Bears are ranked number 9 in an NBCSports pre-season poll. That same poll has the Kansas Jayhawks listed as the number four team in the country. Okay it’s just pre-season which proves nothing but it points out a fact. Scott Drew is a phenomenal recruiter but cannot beat Bill Self on a consistent basis. Without checking homes I’d be willing to beat 75% of his roster every year is Texas kids a clear in-state advantage over Self. The opposite likely exists with Kansas 80 of its talent lies outside the State of Kansas.