Sunday, October 16, 2016

Basketball from a fans perspective

Midnight Madness
I was confused, Kansas held Late Night at the Phog on Saturday October 1.  Based on this occurrence I communicated the college basketball season had begun---I wasn’t completely correct.  According to “Rule changes in 2013 gave teams more flexibility on when they could start their practices.”  On Friday evening (10/14) Kentucky and North Carolina held their version of Midnight Madness.  A number of other schools plan on hosting similar events on this upcoming Friday and Saturday, sorry for the confusion on my part.    

Bits n Pieces 
Wonder why NBA basketball exists in “small market” Salt Lake City?  The ABA Los Angeles Stars were unable to survive in Lakerland the franchise was moved to Utah for the 1970-71 season.  Although successful on the court the ABA Utah Stars were hemorrhaging money, once the merge occurred the franchise was dissolved.  All was not lost for the fans in Salt Lake City the New Orleans Jazz would move to Utah in 1979 where they have since remained.  

The NCAA missed the boat once again on a life issue.  A former Army soldier at Oakland University was declared ineligible to play this season.  Isaiah Brock’s high school numbers were not top notch is the basis for NCAA ruling.  He’s taken college courses and maintained a 3.0 grade point average however that fails to appease the NCAA.  While in service Brock was awarded four medals plus a certificate of achievement.  Brock’s allowed to practice with the team and will be able continue his enrollment he just can‘t play for now.  I for one believe the NCAA should allow Brock to play.    

I will continue to root for the University of Missouri-Kansas City despite the fact it’s in the “wrong” conference.  The Western Athletic Conference or WAC is rather youthful compared to the Big 10, SEC or ACC only coming into existence in 1962.  The name implies member schools are located in the western portion of the nation and that was the case until more recently.  As defections have occurred (UNLV, New Mexico, Colorado State) members from other portions of the country were added.  That’s actually why the conference now includes UMKC as well as Chicago State.  

Number two remains in stiff competition for athletes with number one.  Kristaps Porzingis although just 21 years old was under contract to Nike with Nike through October 1.  Adidas has signed Porzingis however there remains an out.  Nike can match the offer.  Stay tuned to see if Nike regains the upper hand in this shoe deal.  

What to do---what to do
Coach Brett Brown says Joel Embiid might be ready to play back to back games.  In addition both Jahlil Okafor and Nerlens Noel both recovering from surgery should be ready for the season opener.  I certainly am not trying to micro-manage the team but three (3) centers and not one prepared to play backup center. Those are my words and not those of the coach or management.