Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Basketball from a fans perspective

Welcome to the 21st Century
On Sunday I wrote the NCAA ruled against Army veteran Isaiah Brock of Oakland University. College studies while serving in the military were outstanding however his high school grades were below par.  Based on high school he was ruled ineligible to play by the NCAA. Brock served a combat tour in Afghanistan and received commendations for his military service as a mortuary affairs specialist.  On Monday the NCAA changed its mind and declared Brock eligible immediately, the organization is to be thank for finally arriving in the 21st Century.   

Thank you Cavs
The Blue Jays could win the next game however it appears the Indians are on the way to the World Series.  In Cleveland the sports world has been in an upward trend since the Cavs broke the Cleveland post-season losing streak.  The last time the Indians were in the World Series 1954, the last time they won it all 1948.  

After the Cavs won the NBA Championship it must have provided the Indians inspiration to play better baseball.  The Indians rushed to the top of the Central Division and dispatched my Royals. We’ve had an NBA Championship in Cleveland we could have a World Series Championship and then we have the poor NFL Browns.  The Browns are not adding to the winning tradition in Cleveland with a 0-6 record as this is written.  

Luke’s Lakers
This kinda rolls off your tongue, “Luke’s Lakers.”  That’s much better than Scott’s Lakers or Mike’s (D’Antoni) Lakers.  Okay maybe I’m reaching and yet the team is yet to play its first regular season game.  From what I read the tone in Laker camp appears to be so different from past years.  Sure there have been roster changes but it’s more than.  One thing for sure I refuse to set my expectations too high, check back with me in April. Improvement for me is at least 30 wins that would be 12 more victories than the prior season.  

Bits n Pieces
In a move only the Big 12 can explain the conference decided to forego expansion for the time being.  As I indicated expansion is beneficial more for football than other sports.  At the same time Big 12 basketball would certainly be improved adding an UConn or Cincinnati to the mix.  For someone in the middle of Big 12 country this is a strange move. 

In Chris Bosh news don’t expect to see the power forward on the court this season.  It appears more and more likely the Heat will not release Bosh, at the same time they are not inclined to clear him medically.  It might be 2017-18 before we see Bosh on a basketball court again.  

My favorite sport is___________
There is no argument in America its football more specifically the NFL version.  I pose the question due to conversations I’ve had in the past with more than one.  An acquaintance once informed me “I watched the NBA all the time until (Michael) Jordan retired.”  I didn’t have the heart to inform him he wasn’t an NBA fan he was a Jordan fan.  No argument with being a fan of Jordan but he’s informing me retirement caused him to quit following the NBA.  Today we could make a similar statement about Kobe or Timmy the most recent superstars to retire.  

Kobe and Tim Duncan will be missed by fans of the NBA however I could add this statement.  True fans of the sport remain fans no matter who is on the court.  I could exclude Kobe and provide you with five or six retired Lakers who might have caused me to quit watching the game.  My wife’s cousin loves him some LeBron James, he developed this at the time LeBron was first in Cleveland and he remained loyal while in Miami and returned with him to Cleveland.  I wonder if Danny will quit watching the NBA once LeBron hangs up his sneakers.  I believe we can be fans of team and the individuals on that team but it is difficult for me to hear someone take the Michael Jordan loyalty as first mentioned.