Saturday, November 26, 2016

Basketball from a fans perspective

I’m unsure if the term is valid, they seem to use it on the television crime programs.  At some point in the program a criminalist will state; “I’ll place a B.O.L.O. on ______.”  B.O.L.O., translated simply states “be on the lookout” for the culprit.  We might use this term in regard to Rivals 5-star prospect Bol although he’s certainly not a criminal.  Bol late of Bishop Miege High School in suburban Kansas City, the term “late” is used because his coach indicates the school has received a request for his high school transcript.

The ultimate destination of Bol’s transcript is unknown as this is written.  The Miege coach admitted to reporters this move caught him off guard and has no idea where Bol might be headed. Bol is the son of former NBA player Manute Bol, the son stands 7-feet tall and although thin is actually gaining weight he’s up to 213 pounds.  It’s likely Bol is still growing after all his father stood 7-7 and was one of the tallest players in NBA history.  Wherever Bol turns up this high school junior is likely required to sit out this year but will gain an extra year of eligibility.

This is me
Is the Big 12 Conference on life-support currently?  Please allow me a further explanation of my statement.  All conference moves are dictated by football and Words eye view is a basketball blog so why write about this?  I have no inside information just an observation. The conference was about to fall apart, Colorado and Nebraska left in 2011 for the Pac-12 and Big 10 in 2012 Mizzou and Texas A&M would depart for the SEC.  TCU and West Virginia were added later in 2012 to replace the departed schools.

As for the issues the balance of power (football) now lies in Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Texas, TCU, Baylor and Texas Tech.  Oklahoma, Oklahoma State and Iowa State are the only former Big 8 schools remaining besides Kansas and Kansas State, I’d bet money (based on geography) Oklahoma and Oklahoma State are likely to side with the Texas schools on any future plans. What happens should Texas and the others decide they want to travel a different path?

As great as Kansas basketball is football sucks big time and down the road that trend is likely to continue.  I offer no proof of the following but believe it to be fact; the Bill Self problem with Mizzou is football and not basketball related.  Adding Mizzou to the SEC was more advantageous than adding football poor Kansas.  I believe the conference is on life-support, the slow steady drip will eventually become a flood if and when the Texas schools along with Oklahoma and Oklahoma State decide to make a move. 

Restrictive minutes
Joel Embiid was highly agitated about being restricted to the bench he was limited to 27 minutes against the Grizzlies in a 104-99 double OT loss.  He was seen kicking a chair on the bench not allowed to return to the game.  Shooting percentage wasn’t good however he scored 12 points and 11 rebounds along with 3 blocked shots.  As this is written there is no time-frame for the Sixer medical staff to increase Embiid’s minutes.

Machine Gun
They gave him that nickname; Travis Grant was such a prolific scorer he would be dubbed Machine Gun for his rapid fire shooting from the floor.  Although many of you know the name Pistol Pete Maravich few have any idea who Travis Grant is.  Most believe the All-Time college scoring record is held by Maravich, wrong.  Grant with 4,045 points is the leader Maravich is in second place.  In 2009 Grant was inducted into the College Basketball Hall of Fame in Kansas City.  He played at Kentucky State located in Frankfort (KY) an NAIA institution

Times were changing in the southern portion of the nation and the smooth shooting 6-7 forward could have chosen another school.  Grant decided in favor or the historically black college over several offers.  Grant along with 7 foot Elmore Smith would aid Kentucky State in winning three consecutive NAIA Championships.  Although Grant would later be drafted by the Lakers a pro career did not turn out as anticipated.  The educational field has been Grant’s pursuit after his playing days concluded.  He’s served as assistant principal and athletic director at Stephenson High School near Atlanta.