Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Basketball from a fans perspective

Two factors to consider, 1.  Triple-doubles are more difficult to accomplish at the collegiate level and very rarely occur.  2.  Can you believe the number of players at the Kentucky and only two have accomplished triple-doubles in the school‘s history.  The first occurrence was 1988 and the Kentucky player was Chris Mills, you say Chris who?  Mills played at Kentucky during the 1988-89 season and had a six year NBA career.  De Aaron Fox registered a triple-double on Monday November 28th.  The 6-4 point guard recorded 14 points 11 rebounds and 10 assists.

Fans are fans
Even as a small boy I felt uncomfortable booing an opposing team or player.  This has continued into adulthood although I certainly have been tempted at times.  I’ve never uttered a profanity at any player at any time.  Fans pay good money for sports events however that fail to give them the right to say or do anything you wish.  The 2004 “Malice in the Palace” between the Pistons and Pacers was exacerbated by a number of Pistons fans coming out of the stands and contributing to the fighting getting out of hand

On Sunday night the Lakers faced the Hawks and Dwight Howard.  Doesn’t matter the Hawks are his second team since he left the Lakers fans continue to boo him, they booed every time he touched the ball.  One Laker fan believed he could say anything he wanted to Howard after the game.  Reports indicate the incident caused Howard to challenge the fan.  Laker fan or not if he called Howard the name that’s reported he needed to be knocked upside his head.  Freedom of speech does not give you the right to say whatever you want without consequences.

“Throw it down Big Man”
The phrase above was coined by former NBA player and current ESPN analyst Bill Walton.  Serving as analyst he would often make the statement once or twice during a college game.  He meant to imply there was no requirement for Big Men to lay the ball up gently on the backboard he wanted an emphatic slam dunk, by now you know I have an affinity for the Big Man’s game.

There are several Big Men I follow, surprise surprise there is not a Laker among the bunch at least for now.  Please note they are not placed in any order of rank just as I thought of them.  Note the ages, the “old-man” of the bunch is Whiteside who turned 27 years old last June.  This collection of talent speaks volumes for the continued growth of the NBA game we love.  We certainly cannot predict injuries which might curtail a career.  

Hassan Whiteside-Heat
Boogie Cousins-Kings
Joel Embiid-Sixers
Anthony Davis-Pelicans
Karl-Anthony Towns-Wolves

In case you wanted to know
It’s amazing what a year can do in the life of an NBA team.  The Laker victory Sunday evening raised them to .500 with their 9th win of the season.  Last season they won game number 9 on January 12th.  All I can say is I’m pleased I expected no playoff but hoped for improved play.  So far that’s exactly what I’ve received to date, one other note if you remember I had no problem with firing Byron Scott.

I was concerned whether Luke Walton would be able to infuse a winning attitude to this core of youngsters.  So far the move to hire Walton has paid huge dividends.  It was pointed out on NBA TV the Laker bench has scored 60 points four times this season.  Winning by committee is how it’s done with Kobe Bryant now retired.  Laker reserves are scoring at a 51.2 ppg clip best in the NBA.