Friday, May 26, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

Bits n Pieces 
It appears Daddy Ball is a man of his word in one area at least.  Danny Ainge announced Lonzo has declined a workout for the Celtics.  I guess it’s not surprising in a manner of speaking.

Central Florida Big Man Tacko Fall is returning to school.  He’s withdrawn from the NBA Draft; I’d stated my belief at least one more year of year of competitive basketball would be beneficial to the 7-6 youngster.  

Solutions Research Group (Canada) provided us proof of our beliefs.  “Basketball is the second most popular sport with millennial” in the nation.  Although the article didn’t provide the information we guess NHL hockey is first but basketball is in second place.  Canadian football is probably third followed by soccer (world football) and baseball.

I’m disappointed, the Big 12/SEC challenge has been announced, January 27 is the date for all 10 games.  Although big time programs Kentucky and Kansas will play Mizzou with the number 6 recruiting class of 2017 is excluded.  Really I understand the best SEC versus the best Big 12 teams.  Maybe this season Mizzou makes the cut but not last season.  

I laughed out loud
This is probably only funny to me so excuse me while I laugh out loud.  .  At this point in time we have no idea if Laker forward Brandon Ingram is a legitimate NBA star he came on strong near the end of the season.  The former Carolina Tar heel struggled during much of the early to middle portion of the NBA season.  The other day I stopped a moment on one of the ESPN channels hearing the Lakers being a topic of discussion.     

This person (not a current or former player) indicated he wasn’t sure of the future success of Ingram.  I just took his statement in stride until Thursday’s news; I checked the NBA and the headline jumped off the page.  “Brandon Ingram is the only untouchable player on Lakers roster so said President Magic Johnson.  Hmmmm……kinda sounds as if Magic’s made up his mind while the ESPN guy remains undecided.  I’m really confused whose view do I take as valid? 

The piece of paper
Former Texas point guard received his degree recently; Ford had a 9-year career for three NBA teams.  He left Texas for the NBA without graduating as a number whose eyes were on the NBA. Ford now has that piece of paper and joins a host of former players who returned to complete their course work.  They include; Damian Lillard, Jeff Green, Michael Jordan, Shaquille O’Neal and Vince Carter just to name a few.