Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

Did they lie down?
No Isaiah Thomas no matter the Celtics won anyway.  I wonder if the Cavs looked the Celtics warming up and seeing no Isaiah Thomas figured “We got these guys beat.”  It’s likely the Celtics will not win the next one but this one was important to them especially for their pride. They won in Cleveland no less, pretty amazing don’t you think so? 

Can it get any Spring(er)?
I realize there is no such word but bear with me, in Kansas City it’s been overcast most of the day. Thunderstorms have occurred off and on however in Columbia 150 miles away the sun is SHINING! The news regarding the Tiger program continues to excite, today Jontay Porter made his commitment know.  

The 6-9 225 Porter will join his older brother Michael Jr., there is no indication as this is written if the younger brother intends to re-classify.  Its likely Michael Jr. is a one and done and this would allow both brothers to play on the same team.  Whatever occurs as I said at the beginning the sun is shining 24-hours a day in Columbia.  It is difficult for Mizzou fans to contain their excitement regarding the school’s basketball program.   

Bits n Pieces
He will be missed; he didn’t fit the mold of the bombastic John Calipari or the “old shucks’ of Roy Williams. Fisher didn’t coach with the intensity of Coach K. however he was a winner.  I’m referring to Steve Fisher recently retired San Diego State coach.  Fisher first gained notoriety as coach of the Fab Five at Michigan and won the 1989 NCAA Championship there.  Fisher would later move west and placed SDSU on the college basketball map.  The 72-year old retired at the end of the 2017 college season.  

Strength versus weakness is this title.  In May the ESPN college page is questioning if Kansas can win the Big 12 for the 14th straight year.  I look at this issue different from most; they applaud the continued success on the court for Kansas.  I say bravo but what does that say about the strength of the conference?  After Mizzou moved to the SEC I continuously read Kansas City Star articles pointing out the success of Kentucky but the conference was weak.   No argument Kentucky has been highly successful in the SEC but so has Kansas in the Big 12.  

The move from metro Kansas City to Santa Ana California has proven quite beneficial for Bol Bol. Bol a 7-2 power forward finished the high school season strong and is now playing AAU basketball.  The short list interested in securing his services includes Arizona, Kansas, Kentucky, Oregon, UCLA, Mizzou and Oklahoma.  

You think an NBA team is going to put up with someone with no credibility complaining about his son’s teammates?  I doubt it very seriously, if it should occur at some point we can point the finger at ESPN, Fox Sports and other media sources.  This might be premature but I don’t believe any team will put up with condescending statements about the team from a roster members father.  I might add a person with 0 NBA experience.