Sunday, May 21, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

NBA fans have been yelling MVP since-----well like forever, it really has no impact except to express the belief of the arena gathering.  I’ve made it clear I’m no LeBron fan, the guy is super talented he’s an NBA Champion several times over he is also a multiple MVP recipient.  I stated late in the season I thought James Harden to be my MVP.  

I said this despite the Westbrook pursuit of a tie with the Oscar Robertson triple-double record. I overlooked Kawhi Leonard although it wasn’t intentional.  With that said you and I discover last week LeBron James name IS NOT in the mix for 2017 NBA MVP.  One of the aforementioned players other than LeBron will be league MVP.

No….please no
Tacko Fall has not hired an agent that‘s the good news.  Reports indicate he’s worked out for the Magic, Lakers and one other team I cannot remember.  The report further indicates he’s got plans for two more visits to be run through a series of drills.  From Larry Laker to Tacko I scream loudly NOOOOOOOOOOO!  Tacko still indicates he’s unsure if he will continue to pursue life in the NBA or return to college for his junior year.  

I stated last week I believed college over the NBA and continue to believe that’s best for him. There are others whispering in his ear that might be informing him he’s ready for the NBA (he’s not).  The deficiencies I noted in a previous account haven’t changed, can he move from point A to B of course.  He’s not going to do that languishing on an NBA bench, in addition I‘m unsure how much instruction Tacko might receive playing on a D-League team. So there you have it the dilemma should I stay or should I go?

It’s the coach man…..not always the school
Prospects are attracted to schools with winning programs; they are also attracted to that coach. I’m unsure if it 60-40 coach versus the school or maybe even higher.  In this age its not unusual for a prospect to change his mind if the school changes coaches, here’s where I’m going with this story about Cuonzo Martin.    After reading the account I skipped down to the comment section, one letter in particular caught my eye.  The commitment of Jeremiah Tilmon to Mizzou was met with bitterness with at least one writer.   

His response to the ESPN story indicated he believed Tilmon was committed to Illinois until “snake oil salesman” Martin showed up at his doorstep.  Well that‘s not exactly the manner this account played out.  I wonder why the writer failed to overlook Illinois had fired John Groce earlier in the spring.  Groce recruited Tilmon and its obvious Tilmon’s desire was to play for play for THAT coach.  I’m not going to attempt to address the snake oil comment except to say I don’t believe Cuonzo Martin is pulling the wool over any prospects eyes.  

Best ever for me it’s easy
A number of discussions are never resolved, this is one.  I read the headline; “Who is on your list as the best high school player ever?”  We have plenty of candidates to choose from among them LeBron, Kobe, Oscar, Chamberlain and Jerry Lucas.  Who is on your list, only one name comes to mind for me, Lew Alcindor.  Alcindor played his basketball at Power Memorial all-boys Catholic High School in New York City now closed.    

Alcindor arrived at the school as a 6-8 freshman, during an amazing stretch (1961-1965) Power never lost a basketball game.  The win streak would reach 71 games before they lost to DeMatha (Maryland) 46-43.  During his high school career Alcindor would score over 2,000 points and grab 2,000 rebounds leading the way as the school became a national basketball power.  Power Memorial’s record 79-2 while Alcindor was on the team.  Much later in college Alcindor would convert to Islam and in his second year in the NBA became Kareem Abdul Jabbar.