Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

“Doing the same thing over and over and over again, but                                    expecting different results”
The quote is attributed to the legendary scientist Albert Einstein.  Its likely Einstein never bounced a basketball in his life however his statement certainly rings true for the Clippers.  Free agency should prove interesting, do the Clippers maintain the team as is or do they begin dismantling. Based on their playoff outcome what should we expect over the course of the summer?    

The other team in Los Angeles has misled us for a number of years; they do this by winning 50+ games during the regular season.  Once the playoffs begin it becomes a totally different matter. The Clippers play as if they are Supermen weakened by Kryptonite laden apparel worn by their NBA opponents.  It’s not the same playoff team every year, in the last six years they have lost to the Spurs, Grizzlies, Thunder, Rockets and Blazers on Sunday it was the Jazz.  I’m going to point what I believe are part of the problem this team fails to advance to the championship round.      

Doc Rivers-Sorry folks injuries aside a team with this much talent should at least play for a championship.  Coaching has got to be at the top, this team wins 
50-60 regular season games every year but never advances to play for a championship. Rivers knows basketball but apparently cannot communicate this to his team.
Doc Rivers-He impacts the Clippers twice since he also serves as president.  In his front-office role Doc is responsible for acquiring talent.  High draft choices fail to provide a great deal of help.  Have they drafted ANY player who in a reserve role has aided them?
Blake Griffin-We have witnessed to his level of play improving over the years.  Two issues stand out he’s injury prone and his maturity.  To miss time due to injury is understandable to be M.I.A. because of a restaurant fight---well.
_______-There is no name because there have been many in the revolving door at small forward.  Over the years a number of players have played the four and none has stood out.  
Clipper bench-Speaks for itself not much to say, if you are forced to play Paul Pierce major minutes what does that say about your bench?

Those are the areas I see impacting this team the greatest.  I refuse to use injuries as an excuse for this team’s failure to advance in the playoffs the last six seasons.  I heard Rivers the other day say; “You guys (media) have been writing our obituary for several months.”  Maybe it was clear why that might be the direction of their writing.    

You were hurt and depressed
It could have occurred in any major sports however our discussion is basketball.  Were you a child, maybe you were an adult when your team(s) traded your favorite player.  It could have been free-agency too, you thought he was loyal to the team but he left for money or the opportunity for a championship.  One that stands out for me was Norm Nixon, I know I‘m dating myself.  The Lakers had gone through a down period and the team needed a re-boot.  Nixon a speedy point guard was drafted in 1977 and he aided in revitalizing the Lakers.  

Two years later 1979 to be exact the team drafted Magic Johnson, two point guards in the same back court.  Two point guards having to share the basketball somebody had to go.  That somebody turned out to be Nixon, prior to the 1983 season Jerry West traded him to the Clippers for the draft rights to Byron Scott.  The balance of the story is Laker history.  Scott a shooting guard complimented Johnson much better than Nixon.  I love me some Norm Nixon and continued to follow his career until he retired.  What’s your story, which trade or free-agency caused you heartbreak?

What if……..
I’m going to pose the question based on one source  The April 26 update has the Suns choosing Lonzo Ball; at this point the lottery is yet to be decided and will change over the next several weeks.  I’m unconcerned with daddy Ball what do the Lakers do if Ball is gone? They have Josh Jackson, Jason Tatum and then De’Arron Fox, the first two are small forwards with Fox being a point guard.  This is not a talent issue rather a position issue, the Lakers have Brandon Ingram entrenched at small forward.  

Does it make sense to draft a highly talented player for a position already occupied.  As for point guard I believe Fox more of a combo guard than a pure point and that‘s not a slam at him. The Lakers need a point guard whether it‘s Ball, Fultz or someone not identified.  However if that is not the case I also believe a team can never have too much height so these are my choices.  If available my choice becomes Arizona’s 7 foot Lauri Marrkkanen or Jonathan Isaac 6-11 from Florida State.  

What he said
I’ve retreated on an issue I said was over, this is the plan. Whenever I read or hear asinine comments regarding basketball from the following I will likely make a comment.  Originally I stated I would just ignore them but that won’t work in the long run for me, must I name them? Okay since you twisted my arm they are; Stephen A. Smith, Jason Whitlock, Colin Cowherd and Dan Le Batard.  I have no interest in listening to them blabber on and on so the plan is like medicine, small doses.  I worked access television at one point; I imagine the studio guys must be constantly adjusting Stephen A. Smith’s mike as he goes of one of his screaming rants.