Sunday, July 8, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

No wonder
I’ve been a fan of the Lakers for more years than I can count.  I live in Kansas City and not Los Angeles, so I have little knowledge of how streets are laid out and distance from point to point without a map reference.  It’s been mentioned Clippers owner Steve Ballmer wants his own arena, in fact he’s even begun a preliminary effort for the building.  Almost immediately controversy was initiated as a possible site was chosen.  Once the location in Inglewood was chosen MSG which owns the Forum filed a lawsuit to prevent the build.  
The chief complaint the location selected by the city of Inglewood is near the Rams stadium under construction and a little over a mile from the Forum.  After checking Google Maps, I discovered the dilemma, the site of Ballmer’s arena is located at South Prairie and West Century.  This is the scenario I’m guessing is MSG's issue, there are no plans for basketball at the Forum however concerts and other events will likely be held.  On dates the Clippers are on the road or it's off-season we can guess concerts and other events could be held in Ballmer’s arena.  Bottom line, MSG probably doesn’t want the competition that near to the Forum.   
Doris Burke
Video back in the day of ESPN NBA analyst and commentator Doris Burke, she was Doris Sable in high school .       
Up next?
My argument remains consistent, the game remains that of the big man.  Small ball is what’s in now and has been for several years.  That fails to take into consideration if you have the potential of a DeAndre Ayton you don’t attempt to develop the talent.  Someone said, “This is a cycle” hinting one day emphasis on the big man will return and become relevant once again.  We have no idea if he will continue to work on his game, but Kai Sotto has already placed the world on notice of his intention to impact the world of basketball. 
This 7-foot 1-inch youngster is only 15-years old, he’s from the Philippines so there are three questions regarding his future.  As an international player does he submit his name to the NBA in three years or attend Gonzaga as hinted by several sources.  That’s 1 and 2, number 3 will his game continue to develop?  Those questions will be answered over the next few years.  As for basketball we shouldn’t be surprised he’s got basketball in his lineage, his father played professional basketball in the Philippines.  Sotto has distinguished himself on the FIBU U-16 team. 
The Spurs future
I don’t really see the future, I certainly have no idea where Kwahi Leonard lands.  This I believe, the Spurs future likely doesn’t include him.  Interesting in that one of the teammates reported to be critical of Leonard sitting out last season has departed too.  Tony Parker is history after 17-years with the Spurs, he signed a free-agent contract with the Hornets.  Leonard doesn’t talk so all we can do is speculate on why the bond was broken.  Leonard is reported to believe the Spurs medical staff mis-diagnosed his injury. 
True or not he might have felt betrayed when after the players meeting Parker was reported to have said “I played with a worst injury than that.”  Whether the statement is true we can’t confirm but if it is Leonard might believe he was betrayed by team members.  We have no reported names the Sixers were prepared to offer, we do with the Lakers.  As names are announced it’s reported the Lakers have indicated they are not giving up ___________.  We'll have to wait and see how this saga plays out, my money says it's likely the Sixers.