Saturday, July 7, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

The lead Wednesday edition of Words contained a story on the Thunder, Carmelo Anthony’s name was part of the story but a day later that changes.  A day after re-signing guard Raymond Felton it appears the Thunder have decided to part ways with Carmelo.  Bottom line they couldn’t afford to pay Russell Westbrook, Paul George along with Carmelo and the balance of the Thunder roster. 
The above term came into common usage over the last 5 or so years.  It originated with NBA teams specifically the Sixers.  It was hinted the Sixers and perhaps other teams were losing games on purpose to enhance their draft position.  The term “Tanking” has now crept into major league baseball, it’s likely to not become part of the NFL lexicon.  NFL teams play one on a short week two games a week, losing on purpose with less than 20 games is likely to not affect draft position.
I’ve not read of it in the NHL or soccer.  I’m sure I’m naïve but I cannot imagine a team in any sport losing games on purpose.  The 2017-18 season witnessed the Lakers losing 10 of 11 games played in April, they went on a mini-run winning 5 of their last 6 games.  A few Laker fans complained because it was their belief the draft position would be affected.  If they lose a draft place due to winning so be it, I could never ever consider myself a fan of any team losing on purpose.

It’s knowledge over looks
This subject has been mentioned in the past but continues to be a topic.  The last several years has witnessed an increase of women in the formally all male bastion of sports broadcasting.  This applies to the role of studio host or guest, it includes sideline reporter or game analyst.  There are two females serving in the broadcast role.  Many men appear to be challenged by these changes, their response is to attack the looks of these women. 
I believe I’m a normal heterosexual male, I truly appreciate the beauty of females.  I also appreciate their basketball knowledge as well, I continue to read comments regarding women covering the sport in various roles.  Almost always the first response from a male writer is “She’s not very attractive” or a description even more condescending.  The “window-dressing” days of females in sports media is over.  The male stronghold on sports media has concluded whether many agree with this view or not. 
Just because
I would never brag about my writing style, I do want to share how it’s written.  Several stories you read are weeks old, while others are written shortly before publication.  The reason is simple, publishing 7 days a week and attempting to provide topical stories requires time.  This transcriber is just that along with editor, publisher and a few other jobs not mentioned.  Now and again I must stop and thank many of you for continuing to read Words eye view.  I hope you enjoy this publication as much as I do, thanks again for being a loyal and faithful reader.  
Whose best
For the last several years the won-loss record of the Clippers exceeded that of the Lakers.  In addition, the Clippers were playoff bound every season while the Lakers sat at home and watched the outcome of each series on television.  A coaching change plus a few draft choices and adding a few veterans the Lakers began playing better basketball.  At one point I even wrote my belief the Lakers were on the road to recovery. 
“The Lakers appear to be ascending while the Clippers appear to be descending” is what I wrote in the spring.  Last season the Lakers finished 35-47 the Clippers finished the season 42-40 and missed the playoffs for the first time in several years.  I speculated the Lakers might have a superior record to the Clippers in 2018-19 and now that prediction might come to fruition.  Adding the best basketball player in the NBA to a youthful Laker roster is exciting but also could prove challenging.