Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

“A broken clock is correct twice a day”
On hearing the news LeBron James intended to sign with the Lakers LaVar Ball said, “Lonzo is going to make LeBron a better player.”  LaVar’s claims caused me to laugh out loud, he’s so full of himself sometimes it’s difficult to separate the caw-caw from the truth.  Later I thought “Maybe he does have a point.”  We’ve watched Lebron enough to know he wants his teammates to take shots.  He’s always been more of a point forward than a traditional small or power forward.  I thought about LaVar’s comment a moment, distributing the basketball for the most part has been LeBron’s responsibility. 
He’s played with a number of shoot first point guards (Kyrie Irving, Larry Hughes) throughout his career, I could not think of a genuine point guard that is until now.  Ever what you might say about Lonzo Ball his preference is to pass first and shoot second.  In addition, he might relieve LeBron on some of the ball-handling responsibilities.  It should be advantageous for LeBron once reserves are in the lineup, Rajon Rondo has always been a pass first shoot second point guard too.   There will be kinks to work out however I hate to admit it but LaVar might be correct this one time.    

I’m echoing a statement I once heard, “Anytime you are known by one name you are truly a star.”  In the entertainment industry it might be Madonna, Michael or little sister Janet.  In sports it’s Serena, LeBron, Kobe and Larry just to name a few.  So, it is with Dirk Nowitzki of the Mavs, if you say the name Dirk we know it’s a reference to the sharpshooting forward.  Dirk was made the 9th pick by the Bucks in 1998.  The Mavs had worked out a deal in advance of the draft to acquire Dirk’s draft rights. 
Consider this fact he was chosen in a period when Euro players were still considered questionable in some circles.  That thought did not exist with the Mavs Don Nelson, he believed Dirk was a diamond in the rough.  Dirk just signed a contract and will return to the Mavs for season number 21.  At the age of 40 this is likely his last agreement, the next stop for him will be the Naismith Hall of Fame.  He will join Kobe as one of the few NBA players to spend his entire career with one team. 
Warning, this is not complete
The headline is intended to infer just what it states.  The basis, for the last few months we’ve read and heard about proposals for legalized gambling on college sports.  Nowhere is this scarier to me than with basketball.  1951, 1960 and 1979 were the years major point shaving scandals occurred in the college game.  The sport receives a black-eye, and many believe it will never occur again and then bam!  I don’t know enough about sports gambling to argue pro or con however this is what I believe. 
It is practically impossible to point-shave in any major college sports other than basketball.  Team A is supposed to beat Team B by X number of points, a makeable shot is missed which determines the outcome.  Did the player miss on purpose, we have no idea unless he confesses?  I know I’m making this too elementary, but I hope you get the point.  There are gambling interest at work as we speak, they have always bet on college basketball.  If legislation passes they will be able to do this legally which I have a concern.   
It’s funny
Last time I checked NBA basketball remains a team sport.  Despite this fact there are fans who downright refuse to give credit where it’s due.  Example, Adam Morrison has two NBA championship rings, what did he accomplish for the Lakers?  Other than occupying a spot next to an assistant coach not much.  Former Hall of Fame player Charles Barkley has 0 rings does this fact make Morrison more valuable than Barkley?  Of course not, right place---right time plus talent and ability.  There are fans who refuse to give Kevin Durant credit for his two NBA championships.  Could the Warriors have won without Durant, of course they could but he provided the “topping on the cake.” 
We’ve heard similar comments about Kobe Bryant, “He won because of Shaq and later Pau Gasol.”  That’s only partially true, despite their view Kobe was a tremendous talent and key to Laker championships.  He didn’t accomplish the wins alone there were valued teammates and reserves.  Kyrie Irving was drafted after LeBron left for Miami, although he is quite talented he didn’t win.  Once LeBron returned the Cavs were able to win a championship for Cleveland.  Nobody wins a championship alone you need help from your teammates.  We need look no further than the 2018 NBA championship for evidence of this fact.