Monday, October 8, 2018


My concern
The trial in New York regarding college basketball, agents and shoe companies is a bothersome on so many levels.  The bits and pieces of information that have been revealed without confirmation.  I've tried to not name anyone other than former Louisville coach Rick Pitino.  Although he's not on trial he's the only head coach thus far to be terminated.  I stated my difficulty with citing names until the trial was complete, every day it seems a collegiate or NBA players name is mentioned.  

This becomes a case of the media name-dropping which is totally unfair on several levels, I alone cannot prevent the media from what they do I can choose to ignore the names mentioned until the trial is concluded.  For me that’s the only method I can handle, to read almost daily, “Player X received $00000 to attend X University over Y University” is bogus to me.  As receiver Rod Tidwell stated in the movie Jerry McGuire, “Show me the money.”
I missed him
It’s me, the other day when discussing NBA Big Men, I mentioned Joel Embiid and Karl-Anthony Towns as the best.  I failed to include Anthony Davis in the conversation not because he’s not good it’s just I have difficulty seeing him in that role. contained an article regarding talented Big Men, Davis was included along with the two mentioned.  My issue is the position he plays rather than his height.  

At the time Davis arrived in the NBA he measured 6 foot 10 inches and 225 pounds, some sources now claim he stands 6 feet 11 inches.  As for his weight Davis is now up to 253 pounds.  He’s was a power forward on his arrival in the NBA, through much of his short career that’s the position he most often plays.  Bottom line whether you are a center or power forward in some eyes you are considered a Big Man.  
Bit n Pieces
If you’ve read Words eye view any length of time this is fact, I’m often on an opposing view of ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith.  Most of the time I’m offering an argument contrary to the opinion he’s expressed.  This time it’s different, he says the Lakers will play for the conference championship.  They should be improved with LeBron in the lineup however I find Smith’s scenario a little difficult to believe.  At the same time, he’s not going to get any argument from me.      
The Kansas State program appears to have turned the corner under Bruce Weber.  I was discussing the number of coaches with a friend and the school has changed coaches frequently.  It’s my belief they cannot beat their in-state rival the Kansas Jayhawks.  Since 1986 the names below have served as head coach, my math indicates that’s one new coach every 5 years or so. 
Lon Kruger 1986-90
Dana Altman 1990-94
Tom Asbury 1994-00
Jim Wooldridge 2000-06
Bob Huggins 2006-07
Frank Martin 2007-12
Bruce Weber 2012-present
Former Jazz guard Deron Williams and coach Jerry Sloan have repaired their broken relationship.  You might remember it got so bad Sloan resigned in February 2011 and Williams departed the Jazz shortly thereafter.  Sloan retired and has been out of the spotlight, as for Williams he’s played for a few NBA teams since his departure from the Jazz.  What is the two could not repair their broken bond while both were coach and player.    
I’ve got a few personalities I believe writing about them I’m providing them acceptance.  That’s not the case, we don’t share the same beliefs.  I’m not going to bother with a list just inform you Kanye West is on list, his latest model of his Yeezy shoe will not receive NBA approval.     This is not the same issue as the BBB brand his shoes are manufactured by Adidas it’s the design. The NBA is unlikely to approve the shoe for NBA play due to the heel portion of his shoe.  Let’s just say if he wanted a shoe able to be worn in the NBA he would have checked prior to the release.  If he intended the shoe strictly as a fashion statement that’s a different story.