Monday, November 26, 2018

Curiouser and curiouser
The words above were uttered by Alice from the Lewis Carroll childhood classic Alice in Wonderland.  The series of strange events surrounding Alice caused her to make the statement, curiouser and curiouser however that could easily be us.  The developments surrounding Sixer guard Markelle Fultz are certainly cause for scratching our heads.  You might remember he announced he was leaving the team to have his wrist medically evaluated.  That was okay except GM Elton Brand and Coach Brett Brown indicated they were unaware of this development.  Later it was reported Fultz wanted the Sixers to trade him, then his agent claimed that was just a rumor.  Once again, it’s been reported Fultz wants another team to begin his NBA career.  Are you confused yet, if not that’s good because I certainly am perplexed.    
Top 25
This is written Sunday afternoon, I believe the AP poll comes out tonight.  An acquaintance (Kansas grad) cornered me this morning.  Why are they moving Gonzaga ahead of my Jayhawks?  You need to write about it in your blog.”  My quick statement to Larry, “It’s perception.”  I could not convince anyone number three Gonzaga (before the vote) is better than number two Kansas.   
Gonzaga beating Duke might be more impressive to voters than Kansas defeating number 10 Michigan State and number five Tennessee.  At least two sites have already awarded Gonzaga the top position.  I will repeat my earlier statement, polls are good for bragging rights for alum and fans of a school.  They serve no other purpose, the poll that’s most important is the one conducted as play concludes the first Monday in April.
“The ball is MINE!”
We’ve read you cannot teach an athlete to rebound, that doesn’t mean you cannot enhance one’s skill at the craft.  A coach can teach position, angles and other attributes of rebounding the ball.  Just being tall fails to address this issue, in the past Dennis Rodman dominated the NBA in rebounding.  The 7X rebound champ stood 6 foot 7 inches tall, he did have one key advantage.  The Bulls and other teams did not depend on his offensive game, he could concentrate on rebounds.  
Shaquille O’Neal is in the Naismith and College Basketball Hall of Fame, he’s there due to championship basketball played much of his NBA career.  Shaq despite his 350 plus pounds and 7-foot 1-inch frame was just slightly above average in rebounds.  More recently Brook Lopez 7 foot and 270 pounds has never been adept in this area, 8.6 rebounds have been his highest career number.  This is not picking at Lopez he’s never had a “nose” for this skill.  Hassan Whiteside Heat center has the skill so does Piston center Andre Drummond, Joel Embiid is almost there.  We could include Rudy Gobert of the Jazz and the Mavs DeAndre Jordan in the discussion as well. 
In public
Former Bulls and Lakers coach Phil Jackson rarely criticized a player to the media.  The same statement could be made regarding Spurs coach Gregg Popovich.  I’ve read complaints about his coaching manner from one former player however that’s about it.  Whenever Pop makes a public statement, we should note it.  In this instance it was former Spurs player Kawhi Leonard.  Questioned about roles on the Spurs this was his response. 

"Kawhi was a great player, but he wasn't a leader or anything," Popovich told reporters of Leonard, the 2014 NBA Finals MVP and two-time Defensive Player of the Year. "Manu and Patty were the leaders. Kawhi's talent will always be missed, but that leadership wasn't his deal at that time. That may come as he progresses, but Manu and Patty filled that role last year, and LaMarcus Aldridge came a long way in that regard also."* In fairness to Leonard perhaps leadership is/was never a role he desired to fulfill.  Go out play hard and with purpose, that alone might atone for lack of leadership skills.
Michael Wright
ESPN staff writer