Thursday, September 1, 2016

Basketball from a fans perspective

Bits n Pieces
In addition to changing teams Derrick Rose is changing numbers.  The number 1 jersey he wore for years while a member of the Bulls has also been traded. For the Knicks Rose will wear number 25, “can’t tell the players without a scorecard.”  Sorry I reverted to an old baseball axiom.  

Point guard John Wall and shooting guard Bradley Beal are quite talented. The only problem most of us were unaware the backcourt stars of the Wizards don’t get along on the court.  In separate interviews both admitted there is a problem between the two.  Two years ago the Wizards finished the season 46-36 last season it was .500 41-41.  

Who do we believe Usher the recording artist and movie star or Usher the NBA owner?  Many might not be aware Raymond Usher owns a small percentage of the Cavs.  Wonder if that might be the basis for him stating the Warriors will be good but there might be “some problems co-existing.”

The “Other Curry”, no not dad Dell and certainly not Steph.  I’m referring to younger brother Seth.  We could state with conviction in college he played in a bigger program at Duke than brother Steph at Davidson.  Don’t confuse my intent this is no criticism aimed at Davidson basketball it’s likely a prospect from Duke would have a higher profile in the eyes of a scout.  In any event Seth has demonstrated he’s got talent at least in the D-League.  Maybe this season he’ll be given an opportunity to latch on with an NBA team.

Thanks ESPN
I must thank; they featured franchises no longer in existence.  I believe the history of the Clippers has been documented in the past.  We missed the founding of the franchise in Buffalo (NY) before they moved west. In the 1970-71 season three expansion franchises came into the NBA the Blazers, Cavs and the Buffalo Braves.  1978 would be the last year the team called Buffalo home moving first to San Diego being re-born as the Clippers. They were not a terrible team for one that came into existence via expansion, by the 4th year of existence they finished above .500.  Later the team would suffer on the court and so did the attendance.  

John Y. Brown of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame owned the Braves and accomplished a task likely to never occur again.  Brown “swapped” his Braves franchise to Ira Levin who owned the Celtics.  New owner Levin was responsible for moving the franchise to San Diego.  Despite the negatives attached to the franchise several outstanding players saw the inside of Buffalo Memorial Auditorium.  Among them were Bob McAdoo, Randy Smith and Moses Malone at least for two games.  Coaches included the legendary Dr. Jack Ramsey and Cotton Fitzsimmons.  We’ll never see the NBA in Kansas City again but Buffalo faces the same future.

Whose next?
Kevin Ollie’s name was mentioned at the time the Lakers were searching for a coach. Not surprising since Ollie was a former NBA player and successfully moved into the coaching ranks at UConn.  At one time the NBA ignored college coaches and there was clear reason college coaches had little if any success. We cannot include Larry Brown in the mix because he was coaching in the pro ranks prior to his first college position.  All that’s changed primarily due to Brad Stevens.  

Stevens from Butler University has been Celtics head coach since 2013.  The youthful Stevens Celtics won-loss record has increased each year.  The Bulls and Thunder seeing this success hired Fred Hoiberg and Billy Donovan from Iowa State and Florida.  Besides Kevin Ollie there is Bill Self at Kansas who is always mentioned in conversation.  How about Shaka Smart now head coach at Texas.  Those are but a few of the college coaches the NBA might be under consideration for future positions.