Friday, September 30, 2016


The “other” Kansas school
Wichita State is like a “step-child” with the media in Kansas and other parts of the country. I remember a few years ago some idiot reporter proving scores said; “Wichita State I didn’t know Wichita had a state.”  The main reason I didn’t think his attempt at humor wasn’t funny a number of schools have “state” as part of their name (Ball State, Alcorn State, Colorado State just to name a few).  Last season was an off-year however Wichita State still managed to win 26 games.  The school has a rich basketball history however the program was headed downhill until the arrival of Coach Gregg Marshall. Naturally it took time to implement his program and recruit the type of athlete he wanted at Wichita State.  

In his first two years the record was 11-20 the .500 17-17.  Since those two losing records the fewest games Wichita State has won is 25 occurring in Marshall’s third year.  I’ve mentioned this previously but in a manner of speaking the school is in exclusive company. There are two schools Bill Self refuses to play and both are but a short drive from Lawrence (KS).  Columbia (MO) home of Mizzou is 164 miles away and Wichita State is located 162 miles.  As for the reasoning Bill Self has made it clear why he want schedule Mizzou as for Wichita State that’s a different story.  There is no clear cut explanation why Self refuses to schedule this in-state school.

Bits n Pieces
This is tough to write because I like Chris Bosh.  Bosh won’t play again for the Heat or maybe anybody else he failed his latest physical.  I want the guy to play again if he’s healthy, if he’s not able to pass successfully I don’t want to see another Reggie Lewis or Hank Gaithers collapse on the basketball court.   

I believe in the ‘50’s and ‘50’s this statement was quite popular; “There are two seasons in Texas football and spring football.”  That certainly doesn’t apply anymore; the state is on the same level as California, Florida and other parts of the nation in producing high school talent.  A number of programs across the nation might have one to three players from Texas on their roster.  

I stated previously me and Jeff Van Gundy are in agreement the Knicks should be improved over last season.  In this instance there are two elephants in the room and earlier I only covered one.  A healthy Derrick Rose would be a vast improvement over point guards employed in the past.  That’s the first elephant; the second is a pending civil trial. Although this is civil rather than criminal it echoes the 2003 Kobe Bryant ordeal Rose and two of his friends have been accused of rape.  An investigation brought no criminal charge however he’s now facing a civil lawsuit filed by the woman.  Phil Jackson has gone on record indicating he hope this is not a distraction to the performance by Rose on the court.  

As the sayin’ goes “This is all water under the bridge” however I thought it was worth a few paragraphs.  Former Laker Coach Mike D’Antoni claims “He could never get the Lakers to buy into his system.” Although I have my view of the situation rather than making a comment I will leave the decision making to you.

The other Los Angeles team
I’m not referring to the Lakers the focus is on the Clippers.  I read Blake Griffin apologized for his actions last year i.e. the fight with the team trainer.  I happen to believe Clipper problems are more than just Griffin.  If you win 53 games and make the playoffs there’s not much to criticize right?  That’s totally wrong; the Clippers are a walking contradiction.  They have one of the top five point guards (Chris Paul) in the NBA. Ancient but effect Jamal Crawford providing offense off the bench.  There is center DeAndre Jordan, he can’t shoot free-throws but certainly rebounds and blocks shots.  Then we have Austin Rivers listed as a point guard but takes more shots than passes the ball. Finally we arrive at the door of Doc Rivers coach of this band of mysterians.  

Before I go any further allow me to admit up front I have issues with the coach.  For unknown reasons Rivers remains director of player personal or something similar.  In other words he’s responsible for acquisition of talent.  The Clippers might be the only NBA team with a head coach wearing both hats.  I would like to be proven wrong however I can project the 2016-17 season for the Clippers.  The Clippers win between 50-55 games, they will make the playoffs again.  They will lose in the semi or conference finals once again. Despite losing Kevin Durant I maintain the Thunder remains a superior team to the Clippers.  Also standing in the way of the Clippers are the revamped Warriors.  I’m unsure of the Spurs with no Duncan however the Blazers could be a factor.