Monday, April 24, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

I had to correct them
The “experts” on ESPN were highly critical of the Lakers going on a 5-game winning streak near the end of the season.  On my Saturday visit to the barber shop I heard from both barbers and several patrons.  I argued loudly, “I don’t believe in losing in order to improve your draft position."  One of the patrons remarked; “Remember former Jets Coach Herm Edwards rant about how a professional team should play?  Never mind Edwards was discussing the NFL Jets winning still applies.

Folks we’ve heard nothing but critical remarks regarding former GM Sam Henke and the Sixers, “They are stockpiling draft choices“ was the word expressed by many in the media.  The Lakers are not good but we certainly can make no claim about them imitating the Sixers.  I informed the barbers and all patrons within earshot; “If they (the Lakers) lose the lottery pick so be it, I rather them win rather than lose on purpose.” What do you think?

Bits n Pieces
Grant Hill is unusual in a number of aspects; he’s the son of former Cowboy running back Calvin Hill.  Hill had a 19-year career and at the time he retired he became a member of the media. This year we’ve seen Hill bounce back and forth between covering the college game and the NBA.  He’s also a part-owner of the Atlanta Hawks.  We shouldn’t be surprised at how smoothly Hill’s made a second career for himself.  

I must set the stage for the statement; the television camera took a shot the Lakers coaching staff which contained 1 head coach and 6 assistants.  Stu Lantz serves as analyst for the teams broadcast but once played in the NBA.  Bill MacDonald play by play broadcaster said to his partner; “How many coaches did you have when you arrived in the NBA?”  The response from Lantz was classic, “one’.  Keep in mind Lantz was drafted by the San Diego Rockets in 1968, at that time there was no such thing as an assistant coach in the NBA.  

I always check the start/stop date regarding letters of intent.  I believe athletes can verbally commit to a college at any point in time during the year but must wait until the signing period to place their signature on a letter of commitment.  As for spring 2017 the start date for D-I & II prospects is April 12 and runs to May 17 for D-I programs, D-II schools have until August 1 to sign prospects.  

Rebuilding a team
The Lakers have suffered on the court for the last several years that haven‘t been alone.  The Sixers, Nets and others have not played top-notch basketball.  Key to the lack of success on the court is the failure to begin rebuilding.  At what point does a team begin rebuilding might be the question?  My belief an NBA should always be in rebuilding mode.  We can look at the Spurs as an example of durability however it might not be totally true.  It’s having Greg Popovich and the Spurs front office working hand and hand with one another has been a major portion of why the franchise has never fallen out of the playoffs.  Pop is similar to Phil Jackson, I read few player complaints regarding Jackson’s coaching methods the same for coach Pop.

Second steady David Robinson and Tim Duncan became the foundation; pieces (players) were added to the foundation.  The Spurs added a Manu Ginobili here and a Tony Parker there, some might state the Spurs were lucky to draft players who might appear obscure.  The big difference the players mentioned and other became stars in the NBA.  You might have noticed few free-agents have been added to this mix, yes Pau Gasol and LeMarcus Aldridge have come on board but they are the exception rather than the general rule.  I hope it doesn’t appear this rebuilding thing is easy it’s difficult, I’m sure the Spurs must have suffered failure on some level.  The success they experienced over the years far outweigh any miscues.