Saturday, April 29, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

Breaking News
As I was working on today's Words eye view last evening ESPN broke the news.  Larry Bird is submitting his resignation as Pacers president.  Until details are further revealed we might never know the complete story, in any event its somewhat surprising news. 

“You Talk Too Much”
You talk too much
You worry me to death
You talk too much
You even worry my pet
You just talk
Talk too much  

The opening lyrics of a 1960 R&B hit by the late Joe Jones titled “You Talk Too Much.”  I’m sure you can locate it on YouTube just in case you might not be familiar with the recording.  Nike, Adidas and Under Armour might be playing the tune for LaVar Ball father of UCLA’s Lonzo Ball. Darren Rovell ESPN’s finance editor indicates the three top shoe companies have passed on a deal for Lonzo Ball.  

The elder Ball wants his Big Baller Brand be licensed by the company that signs Lonzo and his sons.  What’s most interesting draft choices often sign shoe deals prior to their player contract, this might be the first case of a lottery pick with no shoe deal.  If any of the three major shoe companies sign Lonzo Ball it won’t be for $1 billion dollars.  There's always Reebok, Puma or some other shoe company, on the other hand it’s possible Chinese interests might do the deal that too is possible?  

The first five
I glanced at the headline, Markelle Fultz and Lonzo Ball battling in the headlines who is the superior player. I’m unsure if any of this debate includes draft position since I didn’t read the account so I decided to check several mock draft sites.  All five indicate Markelle Fultz will be the number one pick June 22, this is not a slam dunk Ball or somebody else could be the choice.  As for the better player I certainly have no desire to take sides lets just say its likely both will be impact NBA players.

Important dates to place on your calendar.    
NBA Draft Combine (Chicago)
May 9-14
NBA Draft Lottery
May 16
NBA Draft Early Entry Withdrawal Deadline
June 12
NBA Draft
June 22
NBA Summer League
July 1-17

I read an article on NBA arenas, the author pointed to a number of arenas that should be closed. Among the buildings discussed was the home of the Bulls the United Center.  My first thought “the building can’t be that old can it?”  Well kinda, my research uncovered the building opened in 1994 so it’s 23 years old. Certainly not old there are arenas especially at the college level still in use. Does it require remodeling, possibly? Wikipedia indicates in 2009-10 the 300 level was renovated; in 2014 the exterior was re-done.  I’ve never been inside United Center so I have no idea why the writer believes it requires demolition.