Thursday, April 5, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

Want a laugh?
______ Finally called for traveling after taking six steps, two bus transfers, three somersaults, and an Uber to reach the hoop.”  You can insert the name of the player you best believe fits in the sentence.

“The Eagles won, Villanova won, the 76ers are gonna win the championship.” Charles Barkley

"He's not a priority to us, and by the looks of their team he's not to them either." Chandler Parsons

"We're losing games, but our basketball has not been bad basketball it's been 'not good enough to win' basketball." George Karl.

Can he play?
The question might be can he play at the NBA level?  I found it interesting, Oklahoma’s Trae Young was going downhill at the end of the season.  He led Division I schools in scoring and assists but “junk” defenses and length of the season wore him down.  A commentator said; “He’ll be better at the next level; the NBA is a more wide-open game.”  Was he stating it’s easier to play in the NBA than college, hardly however he was attempting to point out differences.  Ben Simmons is another case we might check out. If we looked at Simmons one year at LSU we might reach the conclusion he can’t play, he will be named 2018 NBA Rookie of the Year.  He’s had the benefit of good teammates with the Sixers something that didn’t exist at LSU. 

On the other hand, I will stick by my earlier statement Malik Newman and Lagerald Vick of Kansas are not ready for the NBA.  The NBA Top 100 prospect list on Newman is nowhere to be found, as for Vick he’s number 75 there are only 2 rounds and 60 players in the draft.  Please note I didn’t say they couldn’t play it’s my view they need additional seasoning, one more year at Kansas certainly couldn’t hurt them.  If I saw my name as a projected lottery pick the decision is easy, nowhere have I seen either name.  There are several boxes NBA scouts are required to check off to determine if an athlete is ready for NBA play apparently neither receives check marks across the board.     

One more piece
I have no idea of discussions in other portions of the nation regarding Villanova basketball.  It appears the local sports talk guys want to validate Bill Self versus Jay Wright and whether Villanova is a “Blue Blue” program.  I even heard a host say; “As soon as Jay Wright leaves the school will come down to earth.  They are big now but there’s the (NFL) Eagles and (NBA) Sixers.”  

Kansas-147 wins
2 Round of 32, 2 Elite 8 and 1 Final Four finish

Villanova-165 wins
2 Round of 32, 2 NCAA Championships, 1 Second Round finish

After checking the results over the last five seasons I have one question and one statement, can a team ever acquire “Blue Blood” status?  Read and weep Kansas fans, Jay Wright has eclipsed Bill Self over the last five seasons in wins despite the domination of the Big 12 Conference by Kansas.  Take hope Kansas fans, several sites have anointed Kansas the number one team for 2018-19.  It’s okay to win on paper, its even more important to win on the court. 

There are more than two things we could depend on, one is the sun coming up in the eastern morning sky and two, the Spurs winning their usual 50+ games.  Well one of them ain’t happening, for the first time since 1999 the Spurs will not win their usual 50+ games.