Saturday, April 13, 2019

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

They did it
The Lakers made it official, they fired (although some reports say it was mutual) Luke Walton on Friday.  Magic Johnson resigning may have been a mild surprise firing Walton was expected.  You might remember I wrote in mid or late February I believed the coach was a “dead man walking.”  The only surprise Magic is not there to do the honors.  Where do they go now, this NBA franchise once was the gold standard for the league? 
For the last several years corrosion has begun appearing around the edges.  Who do they hire to replace Walton, I have no idea however I do know this?  The guy has got to hit the ground running no lollygagging around no excuses expected or offered.  Key injuries are the only exception and they too might not be valid based on the team member.  This Laker team must earn a playoff berth next season in the Wild Wild West of the Western Conference. 
We’ve touched on this topic previously, the strengths and weaknesses of an athlete.  Often what might be considered a weakness can sometimes be disguised.  Example, Sixer point guard Ben Simmons can’t throw the ball in the ocean beyond 10-feet.  As a jump shooter that is a weakness, to a degree it might have impacted his career.  Has it stopped him from performing at his peak, we seriously doubt it?  Scouting reports on Ja Morant of Murray State indicate he’s got a disadvantage headed into the draft, he’s “thin” at 6-3 175 pound.  This assessment would denote he’s never going to add any weight to his frame. 
There are athletes who arrived in the NBA shooting in the 60’s from the free-throw line, practice and more practice witnessed them raising it to mid-to high 70’s.  You’ve heard it said, “He can’t drive to his left (or right) so you play him………”  Players have overcome the weakness by dedication and hard work.  Hard work and practice won’t make you a 90% shooter from the line or a .500+ shooter from the floor.  It was said Magic Johnson was not a great defender, what he did was play good team defense.  His shortcomings on defense were covered by Michael Cooper, James Worthy and others. 
“Kansas City”
“I’m going to Kansas City
Kansas City, here I come
I’m going to Kansas City
Kansas City, here I come”
The lyrics above are from the 1959 R&B hit by Wilbert Harrison, he didn’t write it but likely is the best-known artist to perform the tune.  Larry Drew ain’t headed to Kansas City but he’s the last of the three.  With no NBA team Kansas City had a unique distinction, three head coaches at the helm of franchises made a statement.  Now they are all gone, Tyronn Lue with the Cavs, Earl Watson with the Suns and Drew with the Cavs.  One by one each coach has been replaced and is no longer employed; Larry Drew was the latest on Thursday to be fired. 
This is it
My wife has decided I’m being too critical on Magic Johnson regarding his resignation.  His statements as too why the decision doesn’t make a great deal of sense to me.  On Thursday he said; "What I didn't like is the backstabbing and the whispering". I thought for a moment after reading that and a few other statements.  You are CEO of the company; you report directly to Jeanie Buss.  I’m quite sure everyone didn’t necessarily love you, backstabbing by who?  As president of basketball operations there are whispers about the manner you might conduct business.  Fans can complain till the cows come home but their opinion barely registers with an owner.  You should be fully aware of the rules of tampering, why is it necessary to congratulate a member of an opposing team publicly. 
You could have accomplished this salute in private and no one would be the wiser.  I will always admire Magic Johnson, the player who brought Showtime to the Lakers.  As I indicated earlier you as a player were a catalyst in many of those championships.  Perhaps you are one of those former players unable to make the transition to the management side.  You have a counterpart in the NFL, John Elway was one of the most successful quarterbacks in the NFL, Super Bowl champion etc.  Can we point to the same type of success in running the NFL Broncos?   Walking away from a job after but two years certainly doesn’t provide much proof you are willing to work at building a team.  Don’t worry wife, this is the last column devoted to Magic Johnson regarding this subject.