Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

February 21, 2017-April 9, 2019
That’s a little more than 2 years, that’s the length of time Magic Johnson served as president of basketball operations for the Lakers.  Two years ago, I was excited, as a long-time Laker fan I saw Magic riding in to save the franchise.  I informed a friend I’m surprised by the move but not shocked, Laker management has become a train wreck and most of it can be traced to Magic.  If we use a scale 1-10 with 10 being best and 1 being poor this is the perception.  Showtime Magic was a 10 as he led the team to numerous NBA championships.  Magic the entrepreneur a businessman an easy 10.  Magic the coach and president of Lakers its better than a 1 however it can be no higher than a 3 or 4. 
Magic had nothing to do with LeBron James injury, Magic had EVERYTHING to do with the roster surrounding LeBron.  Magic allowed Julius Randle and Brook Lopez to walk without an effort to re-sign either.  Magic went out and signed Michael Beasley, Lance Stephenson and Rajon Rondo.  Only Rondo might be considered a good signing.  Magic said the Lakers needed a leader, he traded D’Angelo Russell to the Nets who became an NBA All-Star this season and drafted LaVar Lonzo Ball in his place.  Despite the positives expressed regarding Ball he can’t stay healthy for any extended period.  Luke Walton may not be the coach to lead this team into the playoffs but how do we know with this non-functioning front-office.  This is the second strike, the first occurred when we discovered he couldn't coach as well as he played the game.  Just the thoughts of a very disappointed Laker fan. 
…. And just like that, poof it was over
The 2018-19 college basketball that begun last fall is over, the season ended with a thrilling OT win by Virginia 85-77 over Texas Tech.  I didn’t have a favorite although I thought Tech would win and certainly could have.  Nothing like Saturday’s semi-final game, there was no clear evidence of any problems with officiating.  As for last fall the big dogs at the beginning of the season were Kansas, Kentucky, Duke and others. 
One by one down went those and several others.  Don’t ask me if it was a good college season I’m always going to answer in the affirmative.  Back to the game for a moment, Virginia can revel in its victory after taking abuse for its loss last season, remember as a number one seed they lost to a 16 seed.  Over the next several weeks and months coaches will be hired, players will transfer but Monday night was it.  It seemed short but it really wasn’t…. And just like that, poof it was over. 
Imagine this 
According to reports Rick Barnes has turned down UCLA to remain at Tennessee.  Imagine that, the school of legendary coach John Wooden, Lew Alcindor, Bill Walton and a host of All-Americans and NBA All-Pros.  The basketball program that won a record 88-games in a row and has 11 NCAA championships on its resume.  Former coach Lefty Driesell on becoming head coach at Maryland said; “We’re going to make Maryland the UCLA of the east.”  NOTE:  Prior to publication Mick Cronin accepted the job, more later. 
That’s the richness and prestige this basketball program once held.  As for Barnes and those in Tennessee this is no slam at the state or the school it says how the mighty have fallen, in this instance UCLA basketball.  Apparently, the coach must believe it’s better to remain in Knoxville over the cauldron surrounding the UCLA basketball program.  UCLA was once a program with a national footprint, no assistant coach to replace the head coach.  The administration simply cast out a net and probably received 10 inquiries but no more, my how the mighty have fallen. 
Did you hear or read this….
Although Jerry Stackhouse gave out no names, he claims he turned down a couple of NBA jobs.  At this point the Vanderbilt head coaching position was more appealing than coaching in the NBA.  That is an interesting commentary on the college game.    
An earlier account we discussed the 2018-19 pre-season Top 25 teams.  ESPN’s Way too early Top 25 for 2019-20 has Michigan State at one and Marquette at two.  No need of going through the complete list although it was interesting for the first time in recent memory Kansas landed on the outside.  The Jayhawks were picked at number 13 but no matter we know how polls often turn out.  Football rich SEC has four schools in the Top 25, interesting. 
Daddy Mommy Dearest
News reports indicate LaVar Ball is continuing his role as puppet master, on the outside we can only believe what is written.  In this instance Lonzo announces to the world he is severing his ties to his agent and searching for a replacement.  The next day or maybe two days later we read “LaVar Ball is involved in the decision of an agent.” 

I will repeat the Barkley quote again, “Why doesn’t he leave those boys alone and allow them to make adult decisions” or similar words.  A professional is needed to guide Lonzo Ball or anyone in a similar position.  Why must LaVar place himself in the middle of all aspects of his children’s life? The headline is a take-off of the Joan Crawford biopic Mommy Dearest.  The difference we don’t believe LaVar might dispense punishment in the form of wire coat hangers.  Great job LaVar in picking someone with a checkered past to run BBB.