Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

George Floyd
We witnessed world-wide demonstrations regarding the death of George Floyd.  We hear the term systemic racism tossed about by several parties.  Is there racism existing in the NBA, of course there is.  At the same time, the league is far ahead of other professional leagues in racial matters.  We could begin this discussion with former Clippers owner Donald Sterling.  His racial remarks witnessed the NBA forcing him to sell the team, in addition Sterling received a lifetime ban. 

Every season Richard Lapchick’s (Google him) group looks at each professional sport and provides it a grade based on racial diversity in hiring, promotion, and other intangibles.  NBA grades are far and above those registered by other professional sports teams.  The act of kneeling prior to the National Anthem angered a great number of NFL owners and fans, over the weekend we heard Commissioner Goodell admit “the NFL got it wrong.”

A key point, whether it was by accident, players association action or something else.  The NBA appears (notice I said appears) to have a better working relationship in diversity hires over other professional sports.  There have been labor issues resulting in work stoppage but those are no different from other sports.  It would be ridiculous for me to state there are no racial issues in the NBA however anytime they crop up it expect action be taken to address it.  In my view the NBA would not have allowed a kneeling type issue to exist without meeting with its players to address it.  

Kansas basketball
The penalty imposed on Oklahoma State basketball is not good, not good for OSU and it might be even worse for Kansas.  If you remember last week the NCAA imposed a one-year post-season ban for OSU basketball.  In early spring the NCAA announced it levied 5 level one violations against Kansas basketball, for those unfamiliar with violations level one is the most severe. 

The most serious problem the NCAA could levy is the “Death Penalty”, that is highly unlikely.  Only once in history has that severe a punishment been dealt.  The death penalty is not a reality however it is difficult to believe Kansas escapes without any punishment.  I certainly could be wrong here, but I seriously doubt it, there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth in Jayhawk Nation before the end of 2020.  NOTE:  As this was completed came word the school wanted to separate football from basketball, the reasoning football was self-reported.   

This is shocking
I was asked over the weekend how I felt about my Lakers.  I responded by saying “late winter I felt good, now I’m not so sure.”  Naturally if the Lakers win the NBA Championship it certainly would be pleasing for me and Laker Nation.  The start the stop and then re-start of the season is not comforting to me.  Some claim LeBron will have re-charged his battery, others say Paul George and Kawhi Leonard will have plenty of play on the court together. 

Either hypotheses could be true and maybe both, we must wait for play to determine the outcome.  As I indicated I am okay with this reboot except for the possibility of a resurgence in covid-19.  In closing this is probably shocking for many of you reading this.  The number one and self-appointed Laker fan in Kansas City having reservations.  Oh well, sometimes things do change, and in this instance, this is one for me.   

The State of Missouri contains four Division I basketball programs, the largest is the University of Missouri or Mizzou with its main campus in Columbia.  Missouri State is in the southern portion of the state not far from the Arkansas border, Missouri State University is in Springfield.  Then we have the St. Louis Billikens located in you guessed it St. Louis, finally we have Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau located in the southeastern portion of the state.

All four schools are in different conferences so its quite rare for them to play one another even in the non-conference portion of the season.  Now that you have the lay of the land allow the story to unfold.  Coach Cuonzo Martin once coached Missouri State but moved to Tennessee and later Cal before landing the job at Mizzou.  The coach wanted to play Missouri State and it was set to occur this fall and then it was not.  For unknown reasons, the game now appears to be cancelled with no apparent explanation, Rock M. Nation the fan website claims it is political.