Monday, June 22, 2020

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

This is a follow up to the article on Kansas basketball yesterday, reading yesterday’s Words eye view many might believe I have a vendetta against Bill Self and his program.  I have issues with Self, but it revolves around his anti Mizzou posture he and many others have long exhibited since 2011.  Why the animosity toward Mizzou, I believe its origin is the decision to leave the Big 12 Conference for the SEC.  A large payday was a portion of why Mizzou left for the SEC and is the basis for the grudge. 

Those on the Kansas side can offer all the excuses they desire but that is my belief.  At the same time am I on the NCAA side regarding the issues facing Kansas basketball?  I can state an emphatic NO, the NCAA has been more wrong than right in several instances I could cite over the years.  Calm down, don’t take yesterday’s column as evidence of a personal bias toward Kansas basketball.  If you remember I stated my confusion, why Self would even be involved in this type of impropriety.  Kansas basketball and the coach have a worldwide footprint. 

Did you miss this?
A portion of the conference call among NBA players was largely overlooked.  Then again, I wonder how serious the conversation was about starting a “new” league.  To say it and then follow through is an entirely different matter.  It might appear some were looking at the startup of the XFL and other leagues in recent years as a model.  Have they checked out the big picture, none of these startups are in operation today, the reason $$$$$? 

I have no desire to criticize their intentions if true but there is a great deal more required than to just say, “We need a new league.”  Allow us briefly to check out a few of the distant past, keep in mind the startups managed to remain operating only after a merger.  The American landscape is littered with the carcasses of defunct franchises in several sports, the four below are just the few I could think of without much research.  It sounds good to be your own boss however it takes a great deal of work and $$$$$ to accomplish the task.   

American Football League 1960 merge in 1970 with the NFL
American Basketball Association 1967-1976 four teams merged with the NBA
World Hockey Association 1971-1979 four teams merged with the NHL
United States Football League 1982-1986

It is always an even number
If you check out each of the professional sports leagues there is always an even number.  The NBA has 30 teams, the NFL 32 teams while baseball has 30.  Where is this discussion headed, the NBA will return to Seattle one day?  The NBA with 31 teams would add a second team to balance the number, what team becomes the 32nd franchise?  We can only speculate on expansion, should a team choose to relocate is an unknown.  As this is written there is at least one team reported to be entertaining a move but its only speculation. 

There are numerous candidates to consider, my hometown Kansas City is at the top of the list.  No need of detailing the why’s and wherefores’ I will just leave it there.  Louisville is another city often mentioned as an expansion candidate along with Albuquerque New Mexico.  We could include Richmond and Virginia Beach; the two cities are not close however possibly near enough an NBA franchise could draw fans from both areas.  Mexico City is on a list due to its population, financial clout and same time zone as U.S. cities.  It is my view alone the NBA will never return to St. Louis, Cincinnati, or Buffalo three cities which once had teams in the NBA. 

Mizzou Big Man
Below you will note YouTube video of Mizzou Big Man Jordan Wilmore in action.  Wilmore a 7-foot-2-245-pound centers game appears to reflect that of an Ol Skool Big Man.  Keep in mind this is action of Wilmore in high school because that is all we have for now, but his game appears to be a throwback to an earlier period. Although he looks good Wilmore is not likely to see a great deal of time on the court as a freshman.  The center position belongs to 6 foot 10 Jeremiah Tilmon however there is a question. 

There is a question of depth at the center position, Tilmon has been foul prone at times.  7-foot center Alex Okongo has transferred although he saw little time last season.  As this is written there could be a depth problem, should foul prone Tilmon become glued to the bench.  Coach Martin might depend on the trifecta of Wilmore, Parker Braun, and Mitchell Smith to fill the void.  Who knows, we might all be fooled Wilmore might impress immediately and gain valuable playing time as a freshman.  The Mizzou faithful hopes for a winning season regardless of who is on the floor.