Sunday, June 21, 2020

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

I cannot impede the future
Probably many of you felt as I did, the NBA season was prematurely concluded.  Coronavirus stopped all play in late March, I held hope the NBA season would close with a champion being crowned.  At some point in time the virus began to slow, and talk began on resuming the NBA season.  July 30 would be the date announced NBA play would begin again. 

22 NBA teams would begin play in Orlando with little if any others in attendance.  The relaxation of stay at home orders has seen the virus re-emerge (or maybe it never went away).  This weekend a report was issued indicating several baseball players and coaches tested positive for coronavirus.  Once again, I return to my late April or early May thoughts, shut everything down.  Let us begin anew next season.   

Be careful…be very careful
I decided to check a KU Website and much of what I read was expected, 97.6% of the letters I read defended Bill Self and Kansas basketball.  The most bizarre, a writer connected President Obama and Nike to this incident.  Even more interesting a complete step by step timeline leading to Kansas being charged was provided by this writer.  Let us check across the state line in Missouri, Frank Haith was supposed to have been vetted prior to his hire by Mizzou’s Athletic Department in 2011.  The timeline is compacted for this account, a trial began involving a booster was held in Miami, Haith’s name was mentioned in the investigation and later trial. This writer attempted an investigative report and concluded Haith did nothing wrong.  In addition, the probe involved Miami football players and less information was revealed regarding the basketball program. 

After months (seemed like years) Haith agreed he was guilty sat out several games mandated by the NCAA and the program continued.  At the conclusion of the 2013-14 season Haith resigned and took the head coaching position at Tulsa.  Considering Haith only faced a    suspension we can state the accusation might not have been as serious as facing Kansas, yet this outcome forced me to conclude.  Never again would I become so involved in a program or individual I would be unable (or unwilling) to believe what I was reading and hearing.  This is fair warning for several Kansas fans.  Kansas basketball is in an unfamiliar territory, they are usually watching the other guys around the get the smacked down by the NCAA. 

The latest guy around them is their Big 12 rival Oklahoma State, the NCAA prohibited them from post-season play.  In addition, OSU will shed several scholarships, there is talk the program might lose some of its pending and present talent.  Kansas faces far more in penalties than was facing OSU.  The NCAA will lay the hammer on Kansas basketball for a variety of infractions.  If for some reason Kansas is hit with a feather by the NCAA imagine this picture.  A lion lacking teeth, a tiger with missing claws or a bear that just growls will become the view in the eyes of many is that of the NCAA.  As this account was completed came word from Kansas and Bill Self.  The report indicating Self was considering filing charges against the NCAA.  If he and the program are innocent as claimed why is there a need to even threaten a suit?   

I have gained an appreciation
The Lakers might never win a championship with LeBron James in the lineup.  Despite the statement I have gained an appreciation I never held previously for him.  In the gallery of Laker greats, LeBron will never replace Kobe Bryant for me.  It is difficult to assign him a number, let us just say in my All-Time Top 10 Lakers LeBron is somewhere in there.  It is more than his basketball prowess I have gained an appreciation it includes his ability to see the world beyond the basketball court. 

Few athletes choose the path of addressing racial and social matters.  Do not for one minute believe his view is accepted in all circles.  There are several individuals who believe it should be basketball, basketball, and basketball.  Individuals such as Fox News Laura Ingraham once said, “He needs to shut up and just dribble” or something similar.  Sorry Ms. Ingraham that is not LeBron, you are not going to silence him, better become accustomed to him speaking on matters other than basketball alone.