Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective 

Last laugh
One more Warriors-Thunder stories, many Thunder fans showed up in cupcake T-shirts.  The cupcake thing dates back to former center Kendrick Perkins.  Perkins once said his Thunder teammates were “soft as cupcakes.“In any event the idea was to promote Kevin Durant “soft as a cupcake”.  Durant wasn’t the games high scorer that honor belonged to his former teammate Russell Westbrook.  Durant’s line on Saturday night read: 12-21 from the floor .571 3-6 on 3-point shots .500, 7-7 from the line along with 9 rebounds and 34 points.  Durant led the way in the Warriors 130-114 victory proving proof the T-shirts and boos failed to rattle him in the least bit.

And then the trolls
I have no medical training all I know is what I read.  I have no idea if a “Low grade meniscus tear in the left knee” calls for extended rest or the player might be sidelined for the remainder of the season.  The pronouncement was on SI.com’s NBA page and the player in question was the Sixers Joel Embiid.  Embiid has missed 11 games in a row after being an early leader in Rookie of the Year honors.  

The troll portion of this story I checked below for fan responses to the news.  This was the actual response from a writer.  “He should have kept his a-- in school.”  I thought for a minute does that make any kind of sense at all?  What could have prevented this injury from occurring if Embiid had remained at Kansas?  On second thought I just concluded he’s a troll just trying to get a reaction from a guy like me.  

“What in the Wide Wide World of Sport is going on here”
The line above was from the Mel Brooks 1974 western movie spoof “Blazing Saddles.”  We could ask the question what is going on in NYC with its basketball teams.  New York City has once again become a “black hole” for basketball.  Astronomy 101 says cosmic stuff goes into a black hole and disappears to never appear again.  The Nets and Knicks have been swallowed up by a black hole however unlike the real thing they have an opportunity to re-appear but not this year. The Nets move to Brooklyn and Barclays created excitement in the borough.  

A major league team had the borough name on its uniform for the first time since 1957.  Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce and Deron Williams on the roster the belief was the Nets would compete. They did for awhile but over the last couple of seasons have fallen back among the also-rans.  As for Spike Lee’s Knicks Kristaps Porzingis has been a plus that’s about all.  Derrick Rose, Joakim Noah and others expected to improve play have not played as well as hoped.  It’s not over; Phil Jackson is agitating as only he can toward Carmelo Anthony.  It’s my belief he wants Carmelo to waive his no trade clause, as you can see despite two NBA teams neither is very competitive currently.  

Without trying
Do you realize (as this is written) the Warriors stand 46-8.  Last year during their record breaking year about this time frame they were 48-4, is it the Kevin Durant factor or something else that has the Warriors playing at nearly the same level?  Maybe they are just this good.