Friday, February 17, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

The NBA is always wild with rumors a number I like and others leave me cold that is the case with this one. You may have read Anthony Davis and Russell Westbrook were “headed to the Lakers.” IF this were to occur I would love to have Davis become a Laker as for Westbrook that’s another story.  Before you begin throwing rocks at me why one player and not the other you ask?  I’m unsure at this point how good D’Angelo Russell or Jordan Clarkson might become.

It‘s possible neither Russell or Clarkson reaches the all-around level of a Westbrook.  This is the difference for me the 6-11 Davis with his rebounding skill; scoring and defense are more valuable to me than adding Westbrook.  Russell and Clarkson might not be double digit assist men however combined both would equal the assist output of Westbrook.  There I said it doesn’t make it correct however I’ve taken a stand how about you?

Did I exaggerate?
Yes probably so but I believe it served a purpose, I held a conversation the other day with an acquaintance I believed followed the NBA and college game.  I mentioned the June draft and realizing he was a Celtics fan said; “You think the Celtics would draft Lonzo Ball with Isisah Thomas at the point.”  I was shocked when he informed me he had no idea who Lonzo Ball was.  I said; “He’s Magic Johnson” and he said “Oh.”

Okay I did exaggerate to a degree the UCLA point guard has a funky shot but it goes in the basket.  I’m unsure it he makes an adjustment once he arrives in the NBA as for Ball’s passing skills I believe he’s NBA-ready.  We ended our conversation when I mentioned Ball was a freshman.  He said; “There’s no guarantee he’s leaving school early.”  I nodded my head in agreement but thought “Is there a valid reason for him to remain in school if he’s informed he’ll be drafted?  

Pre-season tournament
I’d like to see this occur however it’s highly unlikely.  The State of Missouri has five Division I schools, Mizzou, Missouri State, St. Louis University, Southeast Missouri State and University of Mo-Kansas City. It would be interesting if the schools participated in a pre-season round robin tournament each year.  It could be rotated between St. Louis and Kansas City annually. I believe in advance Mizzou might refuse to participate in such a tournament however the other schools could go it alone and still maintain effective matches, just a thought.    

Forbes says
The Forbes publication is often cited as a source of financial wealth for billionaires, celebrities and corporations.  It’s also utilized as the resource for player salaries of all major sports and the value of those franchises.  I found it interesting the two most valuable NBA franchises are not very good on the basketball court currently.  The Knicks of New York are the most highly valued NBA franchise Forbes places the net worth value at $3.3 billion dollars.  Right behind the Knicks in second place in value are the Lakers at $3 billion.