Sunday, February 26, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective 
The second guessing has begun
Was it a good thing Jeannie Buss hiring Magic Johnson as President of Basketball Operations? Depends on who is talking I suppose, are there more qualified people in the NBA able to run the Laker ship?  Yes they are however they lack one key ingredient, they ain‘t Magic Johnson.  The ink is hardly dry on the contract Magic may have signed, it‘s likely he‘s not even moved into his office however he‘s on the job.

It’s likely he made the call on the Lou Williams for Corey Brewer trade.  I learned quite awhile ago it’s not necessary to be the smartest guy in the room.  What you do is surround yourself with a bunch of smart people who will allow you to look and sound smart in your corporate moves.  Magic Johnson alone is not gonna turn this franchise around, he will draft wisely and sign quality free-agents.  The Lakers will rise to compete with other NBA teams.  How long with this take you ask? I have no idea however I believe it will occur because I believe in Magic.

Black history moment
Lacking financial clout it took quite awhile for an African American to move into the ownership ranks of an NBA franchise.  In 1989 the Nuggets were purchased by Bertram M. Lee and C.B. Bynoe although records indicate they were technically managing partners.  They owned 37% of the Nuggets but ownership would only last a short while as they sold their interest in the team in the in the early ’90’s.   Bob Johnson former owner of Black Entertainment Television became Bobcats owner in 2002; in 2010 he sold the franchise to Michael Jordan.  Magic Johnson because a part owner of the Lakers but sold his investment to purchase the baseball Dodgers.

We are not sure if Magic is an owner again being named President of Basketball Operations for the Lakers. Entertainment mogul Jay-Z once an owner of the Nets sold his interest as well.  The Sixers count Will and Jada Pinkett Smith as owners, the Cavs have entertainer Usher as an owner. Valarie Daniels-Carter business woman has become a stockholder in the Bucks franchise. Michael Jordan remains the only African American owner but it’s easy to see why.  As ESPN pointed out “The cost of an NBA franchise ranges from $500 million to $2 billion dollars.”  Numbers like that make it clear why there are few owners.
Trash talk
Jalen Rose on ESPN’s Sportsnation spoke differently from at least two media members.  On Saturday I wrote of the verbal barb Draymon Green aimed at the Clippers Paul Pierce.  The media said; “Green stepped over the line, Pierce is a Hall of Fame player etc. etc.”  Okay the other view Rose detailed how much trash talking goes on continually in the NBA.  In addition it was mentioned somewhere else Pierce is notorious for talking trash as well.  It wasn’t trash talking but this Laker fan will never forget the “wheelchair” game.  Game 1 of the 2008 NBA Championship Celtic Pierce was injured and laid on the floor writhing in pain; he was placed in a wheelchair and taken out of the arena.  In the second half he came skipping out and managed to total 22 points in a Game 1 victory for the Celtics.
Is he that good---maybe
Mohamed Bamba is in the Class of 2017; the Rivals five star prospect is yet to declare where he’s headed to college.  One writer claims it’s not really that important where the 6-11 center lands because he’s only there for a year.  He claims Bamba will be the top pick in the 2018 NBA Draft. Bamba from Harlem (NY) has reduced his list to Duke, Kentucky, Michigan and Texas not in any particular order.  It will be interesting if this writer is current in his assessment of Bamba’s talent.