Monday, February 13, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

ABC really hyped the Warriors-Thunder match on Saturday which should have been expected. Much has been made since last summer of Durant’s move to the Warriors.  Most of it based on the fact its reported Durant “never attempted” to contact Russell Westbrook.  Stop a moment and consider a fact, the two were “co-workers” employees of the same business no reason for us to assume they had a bromance going on.

Question how many co-workers do you count as friends and how many do you consider employees of the company?  We human beings gravitate toward people of common interests. That’s not to call either Durant or Westbrook out they are likely polar opposites of one another. Point 1.  From my view Durant should have contacted Westbrook before moving west, was it mandatory to do-----NO!  Point 2.  This is a media driven feud and I am a willing participant by making a statement on it. 

The conversation
I held a conversation the other day with two other college basketball fans.  I said; “Despite the doom and gloom predictions of some we continue to see good college basketball.  Do to one n done and leaving early we’ll never see another 32-0 team.”  Both nodded in agreement with my statement.  John said; “I still don’t like the one n done rule.”  “I agree however it’s the NBA that is enforcing this rule not the colleges.

The choice was simple years ago Kobe, LeBron and others simply made no intention of heading to college.”  The college season is half over and Gonzaga remains undefeated Villanova, Cincinnati, St. Mary’s have only lost two games.  Kansas, Oregon, Baylor and others have only lost three. Traditional powers such as Kentucky, North Carolina, Duke and Louisville have not played as well but remain competitive.  There are others I’ve overlooked but I hope you get the point---the game is still the game.  

Changes in the game
The NBA game has evolved over the last several years; it didn’t occur at one time however it was a process.  Shoot-first point guards begin arriving in the NBA and the term ’combo’ guard came into common usage.  You know them, Curry, Westbrook, Lillard and others but wait all is not lost.  We also began hearing the term ‘stretch-four’ identifying a power forward able to shoot from distance out to the 3-point line.

NBA offenses moved from the inside to the outside however there are exceptions.  A number of teams defied the trend as a smaller number of talented Big Men arrived in the association.  The NFL is not the NFL of the 1960’s; baseball is not the same as it was played in 1930.  Why should we expect basketball to be played as it once was?  It’s my belief the game will continue to evolve in a variety of ways.  Teams with quality centers (Cousins, Towns) will continue to develop, at the same time combo guards will continue to arrive as well.  

I’m gonna give him a break
Tacko Fall is 7 feet 6 inches tall and 290 pounds, I’ve questioned his game believing his height and weight should provide a huge advantage.  Not so considering, Fall just turn 21 in December and its been reported he’s only been playing basketball since he was 16-years old. Most American kids and probably a number in Canada and Europe have been playing basketball since they were in elementary school.  Basketball is played in Senegal its likely youngsters are playing football (soccer) or some sport other than basketball.  NBA scouts have already taken note of Fall so he’s on their radar.  He needs to remain in college another two years to further develop the talent he’s exhibited thus far.    

The Jazz
I was never a fan of the team but like the Spurs respected them as winners.  I remember Stockton to Malone, I remember Jeff Horncek and I remember “Man Mountain” Mark Eaton.  It seemed when Coach Jerry Sloan left the helm succeeding coaches could not maintain the same level of play in Salt Lake.  All that appears to have changed with the arrival of Quin Snyder.  

I had issues at the time Snyder coached Mizzou however it appears he’s adapted his coaching style plus adding talent to the Jazz lineup.  Gordon Hayward and Rudy Gobert have led the way for this new and improved version of the Jazz.  As this is written they sit in 4th place in the Western Conference, the standings are not final we still have a ways to go.  They are ahead of the Thunder, Clippers and Grizzlies a few teams they once looked up at in the standings.