Thursday, July 27, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

Published Monday through Friday 

I’m gonna try
Hold on, I may have changed my mind once again.  I thought instead of publishing everyday Words eye view would be available Monday through Friday.  I thought during the summer months there would be smaller amount of basketball news to report.  I cannot remember last year except for Kevin Durant moving and the draft but this summer is far different.  I know it’s not occurred however it seems everyday a story breaks.  Beginning this week Words eye view will revert to a seven day a week publication for the foreseeable.  Thanks for your continued loyalty.  

“Are we there yet”?
Mizzou will be participating in the 2017 AdvoCare Invitational to be held November 23, 24 and 26.  The tournament site is the HP Fieldhouse near Orlando Florida.  Besides Mizzou the field includes Long Beach State, Marist, Nebraska, Oregon State, St. John’s, UCF and West Virginia.  This will be the first true test of Cuonzo Martin’s Tigers and will go a long way to determine “Are we there yet”?  I   would imagine those outside the Orlando area will be able to view games on one of the sports channels.  

I continue to be amazed by Stephen A. Smith, his tone whenever someone disagrees with a story or statement.  Don’t get me wrong I’ve always believed in a free press but one that is accurate.  Smith reports stories “he’s heard” as fact however unless you talk directly with the individual it becomes hearsay.  That statement applies to this writer as well, Smith gets highly agitated when the party involved in a story he’s reported says it ain’t so.  The latest to receive a “screaming” response is LeBron James.  

Smith did this a few years back at the time Kevin Durant was a member of the Thunder.  Durant contradicted the report he went off on Durant on his ESPN morning program he even threatened Durant.  The latest Smith account involves Kyrie Irving and LeBron James.  Smith on ESPN radio reported a statement attributed to LeBron James by Kyrie Irving, LeBron said it ain’t so.  Now Smith has gone off on LeBron James, my question why must Smith insert himself into stories?  Smith continues to fall back on “his sources” for the accuracy of his reporting.  

Bits n Pieces
The 2017 NBA Draft is over and I’m looking early to the 2018 draft.  Two mock draft sites list the same player as number one for next season. and for 2018 list Michael Porter Jr. 6-10 small forward from Mizzou as their top choice.  Mizzou faces the same dilemma as Kentucky, Duke and North Carolina have experienced in the past.   A consensus number one NBA prospect on their roster guarantees the player is history after one year.     

As this is written the NCAA has not rendered a decision whether Louisville will retain its 2013 championship.  If we follow the line given by the NCAA the coaching staff was in violation of established guidelines, does Michigan become the NCAA Champion for 2013?  This issue dates back to the 1950 champion CCNY team involved in a point shaving scandal; it includes other schools involved in “after” improprieties.  I‘m certainly not defending Coach Pitino or Louisville basketball however every team since 1950 has never had their name removed from the championship trophy.  

The Lakers don’t need Paul George; there is no requirement for LeBron James to leave Cleveland for Southern California.  That’s just my opinion, Magic Johnson and company might have a totally differently idea.  I’ve held conversations with my wife regarding dinner and they sometimes go like this.  Wife:  “What do you want for dinner?”  Me:  “I don’t want_______and I don’t want________.”  Wife:  “You’ve told me what you don’t want, what do you want?” If one or both should become Lakers I must accept them as members of the purple and gold.  My preference is Magic and company continues to draft talent and infuse it rather than depend on “leftovers.”