Sunday, November 26, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

Bits n Pieces
Can we say upset city in a chorus?  Several usually high profile basketball programs have suffered defeats in tournament games.  There are too many to list and besides the fact I didn't have an opportunity to see all of them due to the Thanksgiving holiday.  Certainly most noteworthy is number 2 Arizona losing two games in a row......besides that fact is there something else going on we don't know?  We'll monitor the present and future tournaments and see if the trend continues.

LaVar Ball please shut-up, we know who you are.  Have you considered the fact how much pressure you've created for your son by constantly running off at the mouth.  You have no difficulty calling out a female media member by telling her to "Stay in her lane."  How about this LaVar, allow Luke Walton to coach the Lakers.  Despite what you might believe you are not qualified to lead an NBA team. 

He opened the"door"
Generally speaking Hakeem Olajuwon is key to the number of talent arriving on shore to play and U.S. colleges and the NBA.  Olajuwon arrived from Nigeria in 1980, we had no idea the continent of Africa would become a hotbed of basketball talent.  Hakeem is in the Naismith Hall of Fame but is not likely to be the last one from the continent of Africa to make a major splash in the NBA.  We could speculate currently, at the top of top of our list should he remain healthy is Joel Embiid.  Embiid from Cameroon, Kansas University and the Sixers.  After but one season in college he decided in favor of the NBA in 2014 however injuries kept him sidelined until late last season.

If and that's a large if Embiid remains playing at the level we've witnessed thus far he's headed to Springfield and the hall as well.  Another player who appears to be a rising star is also a center Clint Capela who plays for the Rockets.  Capela was born in Switzerland however his parents are from Angola and The Congo.  Included in the list is Luol Deng playing for the Lakers, Deng is from South Sudan and played his college ball at Duke.  The man we all have difficulty pronouncing Giannis Antetkounmpo was actually born in Greece, his parents emigrated from The Congo.  A number of names are on the horizon, not stars but names they include Thon Maker from South Sudan, Australia and the U.S. with the Bucks.

Another project is Semi Ojeleye of the Celtics born in Kansas from parents who emigrated from Nigeria.  We could add the name of Knicks point guard Frank Ntilikina for the future, born in Belgium however his parents are from Rwanda.  On the periphery is Bol Bol son of former NBA player Manute, the son was born in this country although dad was from South Sudan.  Big Man Udoka Azubuike from Nigeria was injured and missed his first year at Kansas, he's returned and is the second leading scorer for the Jayhawks 16.8 points and 7 rebounds a game.  This account is certainly not intended to complete its simply intended to point out the number of talented players from the African continent past, present and future. 

The tallest point guard in the world
My statement might not be correct there might be a point guard taller than Ben Simmons.  To date I haven't seen him play and I seriously doubt if anyone else has either.  Magic Johnson arrived in the NBA at 6-8, later stats indicated he was 6-9 whatever the case Simmons is a legitimate 6-10 and in a manner similar to Magic the Sixer rookie is quite adept at passing the basketball.  The knock on him early was "He couldn't led his LSU team to the NCAA". 

Team turmoil not all his fault was partially responsible for the lack of success.  Then the curse, drafted in 2016 an injury would sideline him for the season.  Once the 2017 season began he "hit the floor" moving.  Oh, one other knock on Simmons I've heard; "He's got no jumper."  Funny thing we heard the same story about Magic Johnson and he turned out okay.  Rookie of the Year trophy is a lock for Ben Simmons no rookie is close by comparison. 

Held hostage
Why in the world are the Sixers continuing to hold on to Jahlil Okafor?  Even Joel Embiid thinks its terrible how management is treating Okafor.  Recently Brett Brown would not replace Okafor in the lineup in a blow-out game.  This was likely a management decision and not that of the coach.  The Sixers wish to trade Okafor but so far have not received the value they believe in return.  For now and into the immediate future Okafor will remain on the bench awaiting a trade that may never come.