Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

What is it?
Luol Deng wants off the bench and maybe out of Los Angeles, he’s not played since like forever.  In 2016 when the Lakers first acquired his services I thought; “great a veteran presence and a guy who could score the ball.”  I envisioned the Deng I remember from his days with the Bulls and later the Heat.  Is it the system, the team or something I cannot see he’s not played at the level I hoped?  He’s trying to arrange for the Lakers to move him in some manner, he believes at age 32 he’s got several good basketball years left in him.  If Deng says he's got game we must believe him.  Since he's become a member of the Lakers he's demonstrated little evidence of that.   

Just when you thought you knew it all
I’m not serious however I learned something about James A. Naismith I didn't know.  The inventor of the game we love was involved in another endeavor few might be aware 1.“In 1937, Naismith played a role in the formation of the National Association of Intercollegiate Basketball, which later became the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA).”  The NAIA doesn’t hold the prestige it once did, and it has nothing to do with the organization.  At some point in the late ‘50’s continuing to the present member schools have left for the NCAA. 

Probably the chief reasons were revenue, more revenue and greater revenue.  You might be surprised to discover your favorite team once toiled in the NAIA.  Louisville, Southern Illinois, Pepperdine, and San Diego State are just a few of the schools that once competed at the NAIA level.  There are other schools which moved from NAIA to Division I basketball over the last several years.   Grand Canyon University might be the latest example, in 1973 they were an NAIA competitor, by 1992 they were playing Division II basketball.  July 2013 the school begin play at the Division I level.     
     1.   Wikipedia

Mizzou is guilty too
My stance might surprise several of you however Mizzou is just as guilty as Kansas, guilty in what regard Larry Laker?  I’ve mentioned on several occasions Kansas refuses to schedule Wichita State less than 200 road miles from their Lawrence campus.  I would be derelict if I didn’t provide a complete picture by stating Mizzou does the very same thing regarding St. Louis U.  I don’t know the issue between Wichita State and Kansas but the Mizzou-St Louis U story we do know or at least we believe we do.

Norm Stewart quite patrolling the sidelines in 1999 however the spirit of his position remains.  It was said the coach refused to play St. Louis U because he believed playing them would validate their program and raise them to Mizzou’s level.  Following in the pattern Stewart established Quin Snyder, Mike Anderson, Frank Haith and Kim Anderson continued to avoid scheduling St. Louis University.  Coach Martin is in his first year will he be the first coach to buck the established leaning?

Bits n Pieces
ESPN’s Myron Medcalf made the statement in his column.  Medcalf indicates in his account Michael Porter Jr. will attempt what Ben Simmons and Markelle Fultz were unable to accomplish.  He reminded us two years ago Simmons was the top choice in the NBA draft despite not leading his LSU team to the NCAA tournament.  Last year the same tune was played, Markelle Fultz was unable to lead his Washington team into the NCAA tournament, no matter Fultz was still made the number one choice in the NBA draft.  I guess in a sense it doesn’t seem to matter, all that seems to matter is whether the athlete had a good season, we can just look at Simmons and Fultz as examples. 

I find it difficult to believe the Big 12 is as strong as it claims.  I know we’ve traveled this path previously but at the dawn of the season the question is asked again, will Kansas rule for year 14?  15 or 20 years ago it might not be that unusual for one team to dominate a conference but over the last few years…..what can I say.  Kansas and Bill Self should be congratulated for this exemplary record but conference members that’s another story. 

“I want get fooled again” was the title of the classic 1971 hit by the rock group the Who.  The Clippers have begun the season much better than most expected especially me.  Blake Griffin has led the way to their swift start and is on his way to an outstanding season.  My whipping boy Austin Rivers is even playing better but…….do I expect them to be contenders?  Once the playoffs begin they will not be forced to face all the Western Conference teams which is true.  As this is written I don’t believe they have the “horses” to get by the Warriors or the re-tooled Thunder.  There might be others that’s who I see right now.